Show government GOVERN NENT SCIENTIST IS DISMISSED dr moore was interested in company for soil culture while holding office washington july 28 george T moore physiologist and of the department of agriculture today tendered his resignation to secretary wilson and it has been accepted this action is the culmination of a hearing at the department yesterday at which it was allegsa by two representatives of an agricultural publication that moores wife held stock in a company manuta curing culture tor soil inoculation while moore who had charge of the preparation and revision of bulletins regarding the enrichment of farms i directed the farmers to the concern in question for their supplies of the culture according to dr moore application was made to him in july 1904 by persons living at west chester pa for the formation of a company to manufacture inoculating material under patents taken out by the department of agriculture in the name of dr moore he said bo told these men they would probably always have competition with the government and that in any event there could be no monopoly of the business tor the reason the department had taken the patents in a manner to prevent any commercial discrimination the west chester men were willing to take the risk and offered moore a alary and an interest in the business with the understanding the company should have the exclusive right to any further discoveries made by dr moore after receiving this offer dr booro says in his statement he wrote to mr boods telling him that his pros pacts with the new company seemed better than he could expect from the department mr woods then recommended a raise of salary tor dr moore and said it was mr galloways Gallo ways feeling that he should complete his unfinished work before leaving the department in view of tha letter from mr wooda and one ho received from dr galloway dr moore says ho let the matter run along pending somo decision in the matter of an increase of salary when the company was organized a block of stock was made out n the name of dr moores wife lor transfer to her husband when he should enter the employ of the company dr moore says he could not consider the stock to be his until he was able to comply with condition but that he felt that he could not afford to lose his hold on tho possibility of going with the company as long as there was the slightest chance of his not receiving the advance from the department on december 17 1904 dr moore tendered his resignation which was not accepted but mr woods wrote him that be thought the advance would go into effect on january 17 dr moore says H did not go into effect until the following april nd that it hs had had any idea the delay was to bo so long be would not have kept up negotiations with the nitro culture company when the increase of salary was received dr moore says be returned the stock he declares also that the information given to the west chester men had repeatedly absen given to other men and that there was no advantage or benefit whatever to the altro culture company and there could not be except through this company getting the benefit of his services and any further discoveries he might have made never entered the companas comp anys employ secretary wilson and assistant secretary hays after going over dr moores explanation said they had no criticism of his action |