Show denies intention to slight salt lake in interview washington july 27 commissioner richards of the general land today expressed the opinion that mineral locations may be made in that part of the finla n lands in utah which was recently reserved tor forestry purposes in the same manner as such locations may bo made in other forest reservations about acres of the land in aba reservation will be held for reclamation by irrigation under the direction of atta government and will not be subject to entry commissioner richards today was that a purported interview with him has printed charging him with casting reflections upon the people of salt lake in connection with the proposed opening of the uintah indian reservation explaining tho matter the commissioner said 1 I gave out no interview for cation in a general conversation with several newspaper reporters brought up by a petition forwarded from salt lake asking for registration at hat city in connection with the reservation opening I 1 stated that there objections to having registrations in any large city the main object a opening reservations by registration and drawing is to furnish facilities for actual settlers to secure homes without having to undergo the hardship and vexatious vexations which attended the oklahoma and other openings before this plan was adopted the only fault so tar found in the plan Is that so many who have no intention of making entry and taking up actual residence upon the land entered register for speculative purposes only every gnp of this class who registers depreciates the chance of an intending actual settler tho larger the city the greater the number of those who would ter upon the chance of getting something chich they could sell in opening the utah reservation the purpose was to not have registration in any of the large cities and in the conversation quoted in an unwarranted manner I 1 made the reason for this and used no expression that in any way reflected upon the people of salt lake with wi I 1 am well acquainted and for whom I 1 have a high regard |