Show DEATHS OF VETERANS estimated that old soldiers will die this year B T commander of da apartment part ment of utah G A R has issued general order no 3 as follows lion V warner commissioner of pensions washington D C states that the number of deaths among soldiers of the civil war this year will reach the enormous number of and for the purpose of accurate records with the ap roval of the in chiet re that posts make a quarterly report to the commissioner of the deaths of comrades giving company and regiments posts of this department depart mena are requested to comply FAILURE IN PARIS V paris july 31 owing t the all ure of a high speculator to gage ments said to amount to two of the leading sugar housos have suspended payments I 1 amsterdam july 31 the dutch ex against the rebellious native v state of benl in the island of celle bes one ol 01 the sunday islands in the east indies inflicted severe punishment on the natives ago of whom were hilled the fortifications of bad joeda one of the chief towns were raided by the guns ot the war ships i |