Show POISON FOR THE FARM PESTS commissioners TO FURNISH ARSENIC FOR grasshoppers utah construction company asks to have a road over the line of cutoff cut off closed from mondays standard the county commissioners met in regular weekly session this and transacted quite a lot of routine business in the absence ot stanford who is at portland mr wll son acted as chairman pro tern among abo matters brought before the bearl wag a report submitted by comal madsen on the threatened grasshopper pest the report follows at the last meeting of the board I 1 was appointed a committee to investigate end report upon the matter ot a bounty for the destruction of grasshoppers which are pi eat damage to vegetation in city district and in other parts of the county jn company with county cle k malcson I 1 visited plain city and farr west districts and found that the insects eist thera in great numbers and are rapidly destroying all kinds of vegetation I 1 think the board is we warranted in encouraging the destruction of uns octa Cha II 11 laws of utah 1303 provides the board may fix a bounty not one cent per pound I 1 would however that in place of a bounty the board provide a preparation for the destruct t tion of insects which has been used with bucce is by different persons notably B mcgraff of north ogden the preparation pren is mixed in the following proportions one pound of arsenic two pounds of sugar louir pounds of bran and shorts this ifft to be thoroughly mixed together and taen moistened with water it is then scattered on the ground like sowing wheat 1 I would that the board purchase a quantity of arsenic tor distribution trib ution amona the farmers they to furnish the ingredients also that an effort be made to have the state pay two thirds of the cost of purchasing the poison as by law and the county to pay the other third 1 I have investigated y several mechanical contrivances used for destroying grasshoppers air mcgriff being the inventor of th ebest one has been used it consists of a long tin trough with a canvass or oilcloth put upon a frame back OK the trough the latter being placed apon a sled or runners one at each and drawn by horses this has probed quite effective in catching grasshoppers on alfalfa or grain but s t no use where alia ground is uneven or for many other kinds of vegetation As the poison seems to destroy the insects wherever they may be I 1 recommend that it bs purchased and distributed as above noted after the reading of the report mr madsen was authorized to purchase a quantity of arsenic which will be made up in packages and placed in the county clerks office for distribution mr madsen then asked tor ona weeks tima on the nuter in order that he might arranges for the poi sonto be put up in package containing the proper amounts I 1 A P submitted to tho board specifications for the five steel bridges over the different forks of the ogden river in the ogden valley no plans were prepared as in mr Par kerB opinion better adults are obtained by calling for each bidder to submit his own plans no action was taken by the board and tle matter was laid over for one week C A bybee appeared before tha board and stata that he represented the utah company now engaged in the new sand ridge cutoff cut off for the oregon short line he stated ahat at ft point where the cut of crossed the county road the cut would be 29 feet deep and asked that the road be closed during the time that the vork was going on he further stated hat the short line intended to place a bridge over the cut when the latorr was completed the board and county attorney hulan isal will accompany mr bybee this afternoon for the purpose of investigating on the ground C R representing the ogden resort company and M E allcox n his own behalf appeared in regard t the notice served by Sheriff bailey during the past week requesting abe removal ot certain obstructions oa the ogden canyon road from county right of way these gentlemen while not admitting the right of the board to ie cu re the removal requested that tho surveyor set stakes opposite their respective spec tive properties showing the exact width of the that they be notified when such stakes hae been set and that they be granted ten days thereafter to decide what course of action they might take th request was granted and mr madain was directed to see that the surveyor places the stakes all along the canyon road so that all parties interested can see the lines claimed by the mr petterson road supervisor of the garland district appeared before the board and staged that inasmuch as the road tax had been hotd in that district they wanted to arrange tor the purchase ot a sprinkling wagon and obtain a water supply the tanks in order that the roads might be sprinkled he also stated that he had made some into the matter of the cost of purchasing a sprinkler referred to mr madsen for further investigation and report john P road supervisor of tendered his reolena tion to the board stating that he aad secured employment in ogden and that he wag to move into the city the resignation was taken under advisement by the board the suggesting of a name for appointment was referred to commissioner madsen mr madsen reported that he had visited ogden valley in company with W W crossman district maninger man ilger of the rocky mountain bell telephone company and found the company had constructed a telephone line oie and one half mile east of the same being put up in a very creditable manner to the location of poles through the canyon mr said that ho had instructed mr crossman to consult the plat and map which has been made because many of thel poles forming the old line will have to be moved the telephone people may buy a right of way from private vl duals or else have a survey made BO their line can be placed entirely outside of the right of way mr wilson also reported that the top flooring on the first bridge in tha canyon was worn in need of re pairs the matter of ascertaining cost of lumber etc to renew the same was referred to him on motion of mr wilson mrs peery was granted leave to lay a one inch iron pipe through the tile pipe la the canyon beneath the road way for the purpose of conveying water to her new residence this action waa taken in preference to having theroan the road torn up to put down the pipe J M skeen of plain city appeared before the board as protesting against the opening of the road in the warren A district which was petitioned tor at r the previous meeting of the board by 1 W L stewart and T R OC he stated that this road if opened would cut his land into three sections and that the same would benefit none other than the members of the lake shore duck club the members of tha board agreed to visit the location la company with mr skeen and make a report on the matter later on mr madsen reported that mr craven had completed a profile showing the proposed drain ditch in the taylor district and that about feet of the same was to be of tile and the balance an open ditch the matter of cost was referred to commissioner madsen the regular monthly salaries wera allowed after which the board adjourned for one week |