Show YELLOW FEVER EPIDEMIC A shotgun quarantine against new orleana has isolated that and the peo ale 0 the affected city complain that ho drastic Is wholly misdirected in that the spread of the dreaded Is not by contact but la communicated by mosquito bites and instead of laboring to confine the people ot new orleans within certain boundaries their neighbors should stait crusade to rid themselves of the dr 0 t im hab board 0 atah gives an interesting history of the new theory as to the spread of yellow fever infinitely the most important result of the war with spain he says was the discovery of the causs ot yellow fever this discovery which Is now familiar to all was made by members ot tho medical department 0 the army sent to cuba for that purpose by laborious experimentation which cost the lives ofa number of persons who voluntarily subjected to the test the fact was demonstrated that the disease Is conveyed solely by the bite of a certain variety of mosquito found exclusively in southern and tropical countries and that the mosquitoes must previous have bitten a person affected with te disease from whom acquires the infection fec tion this being the means of wv it from one to another having become infected the mosquito after a period of twelve days which la 13 required for certain development of uhe poison within its body becomes capable of injecting it into all whom at bites during of its awe of about dayse the first lymp toros of the disease appear within five days or not at all lafter the alto of an infected mos aulgo a point of importance Is quarantining also it is known that the bloo dof a person affected can only infect quito during the first three days ofies illness the wre going facts having been the principal preventive measures berc obvious and simple the destruction of mosquitoes and the early discovery and protection from mosquitoes of all cases of the disease by strictly out these methods and enforcing extreme precautions to prevent its the united states authorities in cuba succeeded in promptly exterminating the disease from which abc island has been entirely fres tor tantie years past for the first time in awe than a century unfortunately for new orleans its citizens exemplify the characteristics which are BO commonly displayed by the public ath respect to public health measures the tendency to apathy and indifference and the neglect ot proper safeguards until confronted with serious epi lemias the city la supplied with water chiefly by cisterns constructs above ground of these there are at out notwithstanding the lad that the myla or yellow fever i domestic in its habitat and breeds n cisterns and rain barrels most of ha cisterns have been to remain unscreened resulting in the propagation 0 myriads 0 dangerous rn sects |