Show HE WILL GO BACK TO PRISON chicago aug 25 after three weeks of freedom frank Puns bon swindler and general thief who for 34 5 ears has been outside prison bars for no time exceeding three months faces a penitentiary sentence again with the charges and identification of sl women who declare they have been victimized by him since his release from tho joliet penitentiary on august and 2nd confronting him the man whose record in criminology is unique complacently his return to prison and expresses little regret the criminal efforts of are said to have started within 24 hours of hla completion of a four year sentence in joliet for two weeks the chicago police had a man as frank hope who inserted advertisements in newspapers seeking the services of housekeepers and nurses meetings with applicants were arranged in the lobbies of dawn town hotels and always resulted ID te hiring of the applicants and the transfer of small amounts 0 f money on some pretext to the advertiser who represented himself as a clergyman |