Show and then completely dropped out of sight albany N Y aug as the re sources of the albany police were focused this afternoon upon the alpar antly inexplicable abandonment of a alve year old boy and a six months old baby at the teneyck hotel by a compla who registered there as john W rog ers and wife of san francisco what at first appeared a simple casa 0 child desertion has grown today to the proportions of a police mystery possibly of sinister importance the hotel people kept the matter quiet at first hoping that the couple would return with some explanation today the police were notified and tha children were committed to local institutions there are suggestions but no evidence that the couple have met with accident or foul play or have committed suicide papers found among their effects indicate instead that the couple may have sailed saturday from new york on the steamship campania the mystery deepened when the effects 1 of the missing couple were examined today their trunk contained clothing and letters including some from the new york law firm of bostwick coleman thero were unused railroad passes from asheville to washington and from philadelphia to Bound brook other effects included a bank deposit book from the consolidated soli dated national bank new york that the couple sailed on the cunard liner campania last saturday is suggested by a letter from a steamship of new york regarding passage on the campania and asking for the cash deposit required to hold the room other papers indicated that rogers was vice president of the congressional corresponding company washington and was connected with california oil fields at california the attention of the police has been drawn to the fact that among the abandoned are what purports to be two identical certified checks for 1491 on the ceru valley bank of ba signed with the name 0 R 3 mcdonald in lo 10 these ara ahree rubber hand stamps made in te parate lines with which a check of this bank might be forged |