Show A BUBBLE EXPLODED deputy sheriff barlow allson and hi party are not alone in ahelf opinion of the lands of the uintah reservation A dispatch from lehl utah aas when william S gray drew the luy no 13 in the uintah land drawing everybody in town congratulated him for his luck mr gray fixed up a fine outfit and left ten days ago to make a selection but he returned last evening utterly disgusted with the aholo reservation he would nol even make an entry but says that all that Is left for settlement after the dusky red man has taken his allotment is precipitous hills and alkali flats he blames no one for this condition but says the state has simply had a hallucination ci that tha farms are not there for the hierarchy or the ungodly gentile he says that men with low number who went out to get farms are returning by the hundred and he thinks that there will not be a tithe of those entitled to make entry who will make us of their numbers this disclosure should roa kethe editor of lie salt lake tribune feel very small for weeks before the drawing he was busy informing the people of the that the hierarch of utah was scheming to control the reservation lands to the exclusion of gentiles now it I 1 shown that there could have been no motive for the mormon church to take such action and that the whole story was false and intended to deceive it Is misrepresentation of that kind that causes judge jc C goodwin formerly of the tribune 0 o say the salt lake tribune Is jus as inviting as a smallpox flag to people who contemplate coming here the billy conduct of the tribune s enough to disgust the fair minded men of any creed the salt lacco tribune Is doing more than anything else to prevent outsiders from helping to make this a city |