Show SALT LAKE department FROM OUR SPECIAL correspondent premonition mother and child escape being struck by lightning arthur hansen a young law stenographer had a thrilling experience in the electrical storm of tuesday night that nearly resulted seriously tor him he lives with his mother and ln law and during the storm his alster ln law had a premonition of evil she ached young hansen to sleep in her room white she her husband and child occupied the larger bedroom during the night he telephone wires were struck by lightning and the phone which Is in the smaller room at the foot of the bed occupied by young hansen shot a stream of el into the room striking young hansen temporarily paralyzing him from the patst down he recovered in a few hours though his hearing Is still slightly effected now be and the other members of the family are wondering wha it was that prompted the sister to take the baby and sleep in the other room the charge that hansen received would probably have killed the baby DAMAGES FOR SHADE TREES holmead will sue city for ruin of grounds legal action to recover from the city damages tor the destruction of valuable shade trees ornamental plants and lawns by reason of the restrictions on sprinkling will probably be filed ty col edwin F holmes whose private grounds about the amelia palace are in sorry condition by reason of the lack of water the following letter has been sent to mayor morris by col halmes hon R B morris mayor salt lake city dear sir As the result of your proclamation regarding the sprinkling and of water upon my lawns at the amelia palace both trees and lawn are in a fair way to become ruined and this is to notify you that I 1 shall hold the city responsible for uie amount of damage done by reason of the same we pay our water tax for the water which we need we put hundreds and hundreds of dollars in expensive plants to beautify our grounds which it allowed to perish not only destroys the value of property but makes our homes no longer desirable as a residence personally you may not be responsible for the existing conditions but as the chief executive you are in a sense responsible months ago it was known that the rainfall was a long way below the normal indeed only tour years in the last thirty years has been known BO slight a rainfall this in itself should have been warning enough to prepare for the present emergency any one of several plans could have been adopted and saved the present deplorable situation with personal regards I 1 remain yours truly E F HOLMES col holmes declares that unless he is allowed fo keep his property in good condition and unless it is possible for him to sprinkle his lawns ha will sell every inch of real estate he owns jn the city and reside elsewhere Y M C A ATHLETES the first athletic outing of the Y M C A will be held at lagoon saturday A fin card of clean sports will bs presented the program consists of yard dashes and yard races yard relays basketball and swimming contests all under national amateur rules no professionals will be allowed to compete all the young men some seventy five in have been training hard and conscientiously and the management promises a series of events equal to annever any ever seen la this state even though this is the first public exhibition since the association went into its new and handsome home the proceeds of the day will be devoted to an extension of the athletic department of the association improvement IN WATER PRESSURE I 1 A decided improvement was noted in the water pressure yesterday the fire department gauge showed the pressure as recorded each hour un 1 til noon wa as follows 1 pounds 2 3 4 5 98 6 99 7 87 8 88 9 86 10 80 II 11 83 and 12 noon 85 pounds BIG ENGINEERS PROJECT guy sterling cayll mining and hydraulic engineer will leave today for eastern utah with a party of men from the east will inspect the proposed field for a great engineering project in which he and the men accompanying compa nying him are interested he will not give out the details of als project until his return from the inspection spec tion trip SALT LAKE NOTES the county attorney has decided that no inquest will be necessary to determine the cause of the death of clarence jamea lucas ac years old who was to death beneath the wheel of a rapidly moving beach train wednesday night the accident occurred as lucas was endeavoring to board a rapidly moving train at fifth west and south temple streets at the gas plant curve he tried to catch the train but was swung beneath the wheel and dismembered arrangements or the funeral of mrs arthur brown have not been completed but it has been determined to hold the services sunday the mem bera of the clubs in which mrs brown was a leading member will in the arrangements the details of which will be concluded later instructions were given by judge armstrong yesterday morning to a jury that has been hearing the four aus or trial on a charge of attempted murder to acquit two of the defendants these meef are antonio ad gurgo the charges the other defendants martin buflo and YOSO bachic were given to the jury george N lart editor ot tho poca belld tribune left yesterday for chatham canada where he will go as united states consul chatham Is across the river and two miles from detroit bloh and a delightful place to live mr idt was appointed some time ago but the department gave him all the time necessary to get his affairs in shape the preliminary hearing of carl marshall charged with a criminal assault on helen hunt 13 years old will not be held until next week according 0 o the county attorney the hearing will be held before justice of the peace dana T smith marshall will be defended by attorney soren X christensen marshall Is under bond of which ha cannot secure and is confined in the county jail SALT LAKE MINING ON THE MINING EXCHANGE there were 2050 shares of stock sold on the exchange yesterday morning valued at the prices on the entire call seemed to have an upward tendency daly judge sold at 6 and star con ent out 2000 at 14 1 4 cents on the board carisa was the first in the ring this sold at 18 cents while horn silver sold 50 at little chief sold at 2 14 cents lower mammoth sold at 27 24 2 4 may day went back up to 10 selling new york sold at the improved price of 44 14 1 4 swansea sold 2000 at 23 cents and 25 cents and uncle sam con sold at 37 12 1 2 cents WORK AT LITTLE BELL work was resumed on the little bell yesterday morning according to president J E bamberger the work is under the direction of newton dunyon and the ore opened by the west quincy people will be followed in the drift off the toot level one of the most gratifying things about the new fand in this territory is that it does away with the common belief that there could never be any values found on the north side of the porphyry dyke although it has been demonstrated before in the development of the quincy and dai that the very richest ore bodies were in place on tho south side of the dyke it the new ledge in the west quincy is proven up as all indications up to the present time promise it will mean much to the park city district and a great deal of new territory will be opened up at once NUGGETS J S johnson the well known mining man left tor alta yesterday morning and will resume work on the christina johnson and last chance claims a mile above alta between little and big cottonwood canyons considerable excitement has been stirred up in the american fork canyon district by the disclosure that has been made in the silver glance ground essays assays from which show as much as 75 per cent lead and ounces in silver the pioneer sampler received yesterday two cars of ore from two cars from bingham and two cars from alta taylor and brunton received six cars of ore from bingham one car from nevada and two cars from |