Show cloudburst is said to have swept away many homes trinidad colo aug 25 according to information received from hastings this morning possibly fourteen persons were drowned in the flood at tabasco 16 miles north ot trinidad yesterday evening seven houses occupied by austrian and italian laborers and their families were swept away tabasco and berwind coal mining camps having together about 2000 population are located in rhoda canyon a usually dry arroyo tester daya cloudburst Is the first that has occurred there since tho towns were established berwind Is a mile below tabasco and the flood was not of so great force there as tabasco much of the water having sunk in the sand and run off into tributary arroyos considerable sid erable clamage waft done to the colorado fuel iron and colorado southern railway companas comp anys property parties leaving trinidad for the scene of tho flood wore unable to go through on account of washouts wa shouts the colorado southern branch line was washed away and a heavy volume ot water rushed down the canyon all night making U impossible to penetrate to the point where the loss of lita said to have occurred rumors are in circulation that twelve to twenty houses were swept down to canyon and 25 to 35 lives lost these reports were still unverified at noon today traffic on the colorado southern the santa ve and tho danver rio grande railroads la interrupted owing to washouts ln this vicinity |