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Show LIVES SAVED AS BY A ;IR;A(Mi!; ! . Manager, Q. M. COu-JdWOio' Ogdcti Pjrult Grofrorsv association "and Miss Veda Ashby-df Salt tLaJlcsi' guest of tho Clay lamlly, experienced a thrilling thrill-ing runaway last evening 'on Thirty-first Thirty-first street and Washington avonuc, that resulted In painful injuries to thorn, Mr. Clay, howovor, was able to be at the office this morning. Miss Ash-by Ash-by Is confined to her room but, It Is thought, her injuries aro not of a serious ser-ious nature. Mr Clay states that while ho and Miss Ash by wcro on their way homo from the country south of Ogden, whoro they had been to look after fruit Interests they hud, occasion to drive past a ChlcIo to'whjch was attached at-tached a. laigq 6talli6n. , tflss Aahby was driving and, as she drove near Ibo horso, Mi'. City" policed that the-animal the-animal was getting ready" to kick. Ho reached for tho lines but did not sue coed In gelling l)oUIf of thpni In tlmo to turn away from Ihe reach of tho horse's heels. The animal kicked with both hind Jcct, and struck thq front wheel of (he buggy with such force that every spoke ln'll was hrok en. Tho front axle of the buggy dropped drop-ped to the ground. The horse drlv6n by Mr Clay and Miss Ashby, becoming becom-ing frightened, ran at a breakneck speed. Miss Ashby was hurled headlong head-long over tho dashboard and upon tho heels of tho running horse Foitu-nately Foitu-nately tho horse did 'not kick, or Miss Ashby might have 'been killed. Mr Clay grabbed tho young lady by her clothing and finally succeeded In getting her back Into tho buggy In tho mcatlmc, he got hold of one ot tho lines and guided, the .excited animal, ani-mal, which had run a block, Into a street pole. The Impact with tho pole hurled both Mr. Clay and Miss Ashby to the ground, hut. In their flight from tho rig they fortunately missed the pole Tho bugyy was completely demolished, demol-ished, but tbo horBe came out unhurt. Mr. Clay says that while he was trying to got the young lady back Into In-to tho buggy ho was tossed about over the wheels of tho rig like a football foot-ball and that It was Teally miraculous that he was not killed. The kicking animal which was encountered en-countered Is owned by a horse com-pnnv com-pnnv south of the city and was being led at tho time of the accident by Alexander Aandt of Burch Creek. The animal Is 'blind in one eyo and it is thought that the suddon approach of tho buggy fr ghtoncd him. Mr. Clay says he thlnkR7 the man having the "horso In charge should have exercised ex-ercised moro care "In handling the animal and that ho should have moved him from the tiro ad, when he saw the buggy coming. Both Mr Clay and 'Miss Ashby are painfull! "bruised about tho body but no bones are broken. |