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Show H NEW YORK POLICE M PREVENT PRIZE FIGHT BSSSsI j, NJW Y0R.K' Juno 16. The police ilH dealt a blow at the pdzo flBhtlnB" H game today after sovoral' months of ISH utile effort to prevent boxing" bouts. They arrested a number of nersons a?oreCt?d W,,th the internal offf"" Mr chamP,onshiP tournament in ?ouJ ofathaQUa,re Gar?on ,asL y were fin Si SPCdal Se8s,ons t0 were fined. They were "Tim- Hurst the referee and baseball umpire who S- 110 l50San,U.e! LowfnS. a ho cabh Ucket scl,ers- 525 on |