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Show ttSENfflll! Saddened by the ln- gratitude ol liis Own , Countrymen Corunna, Spain; "June 17. Tliysical- ly enfeebled, and sick at heart, Gen." Portlrlo Diaz, an exllo from the re-' public of which he was chief builder at last has jTolded to an impulso of self-defense In a formal statement ho justifies his administration aa pxes-Idcnt pxes-Idcnt of Mexico and reprimands hlji countrymen for their ingratitude. The expression, the first of a personal per-sonal nature since ho was forced from ofucc, was made on board the steamer Yplranga during the brief stop of the vessel in this hai-bor last night. Diaz had received the governor ot Corunna and the commandant of tho port, who, with their staffs, had boardedthe vessel ves-sel at the direction of the government to present the greetings of Spala and the Mexican consul. When bo was approached by newspaper representatives, representa-tives, at first he asked to be excused, pleading Indisposition and explaining that, though the troublesome tooth had been extracted, he still sulforcd from an abcess on tho lower jaw. however, after consultation with members of his party, the following statement was given to the Fiaba Agenda, the official press association of Spnln. 'General Diaz is saddened i by 1 the recent events In Mexico andf tho I Ingratitude In-gratitude of h's countrymen. "Ho olnntarIly sacrificed bis, ambition am-bition In the hope of obtaining 'tranquility 'tran-quility for tho nation, foreseeing! that If he continued to dofend fhls cause, he might afford a pretextwor Intervention Inter-vention "The hittorness and deep disappointment disap-pointment which ho feltiwus mitigated by the warmth of the manifestation of sympathy on his doparturo from Vera Cruz. "Much has (boon sraid about a i military mili-tary dictatorship, but .can one thus define a reglmo whlchs rested on an army reduced to U,000 moh? "General Diaz, when hf assumed power, had to deal with conditions requiring energy, but aftorwnrd, tho nation, ripened and was more ablo to direct itself constitutionally. Gen. Diaz's later pollcloa were 'intorpreted by his adversaries as a 8lgnof weakness. weak-ness. "General Diaz. confidcntofthe good sense of tho people thoughtvthat the agitation would dlsappeitr, lout tho ' people, easily forgetting Uto morits of the Diaz administration, allpwod them-selvqs them-selvqs to bo dragged Into alrcvolutlon-iiry alrcvolutlon-iiry movement." During tho night, tho Yp?rangn proceeded pro-ceeded for Santandor and, according to tho present plans, Diaz will land at Havre and go with hlsi family to, Svltzerland. |