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Show RUSHiHB THROUGH RECIPROCITY BILL WASHINGTON, Juno 16 The determination de-termination of the senate finance committee com-mittee to push through the Canadian reciprocity bill and the confidence of senate leaders of a clear majority in favor of the bill without amendment, was made plain today when Chairman Penrose of the committee forced the bill Into Its socond reading and announced an-nounced Its early passage Consideration of tho measure was brief, as no one was prepared to speak at length. Before the senate assembled assem-bled Senator Penrose had given out a formal statement claiming sixty votes' in favor of the passage of the bill and more than that many votes against the Root amendment, which affects the importation of pulp wood and paper Speeches to Be Made Soon. In reply to questions from Senator Galllnger, Chairman Penrose said he believed no speeches would be ready before next week Ho had found, he said, that few friends of the bill cared to speak on It, but preferred to vote as quickly as possible The opponents of the measure, ho said, wanted moro time to prepare their arguments Senator Penrose said that for hln own part he was rendy to vote today Other members suggested that the president and many other leading Republicans Re-publicans and Democrats had explained explain-ed and indorsed the bill "I am not surprised," returned Senator Sen-ator Smith, "that a measure so devoid of merit, similar to the treatv of 1S54, which President Lincoln saw no reason rea-son for continuing in force, and similar simi-lar to the projects rejected by Grant and Blaine and others, should find no ono in this chamber willing to stand up and risk his reputntlon as Its champion." cham-pion." Root's Pulp Amendment Offered. Chairman Penrose volunteered no statement as to tho senntors who would speak on tho bill, If any The senate listened to the second reading of the measure, which brought it officially of-ficially before the body for amendment, amend-ment, and Senator Root's pulp wood amendment, which had been adopted by the finance committee, wns then offered, but as Senator Root was not prepared to speak upon it. no attempt vas made to vote. The senato adjourned until Monday, at tho conclusion of the second reading. read-ing. From that time forth speeches are expected every day until the bill ls finally disposed of Senator Town-send Town-send of Michigan announced that ho would offer an amendment Instructing the president to undertake further negotiations ne-gotiations looking to wider reciprocity arrangements with Conada |