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Show LET YOUR WANTS BE fl W Wlm mJllW&'mt1m'4'mY mtb' 5lfc, T VfrfcH w ilwVC JM WEATHER FORECAST ' H i KNOWN IN THE it 1 1 lfb' 1? lillIl I 3 11 Al aJ li 1 ' I l ill th. indications are that the 1 m m fl WW Ma 'VAmm Mm fl I Dl ) am 1 H weather will be fair to. H evening standard TJl UMm MjmmWsAk$JmM mmsWL mJM tmJJ MJLsmswmJL. I m. J9L , I 1 lw NIGHT; tomorrow general, h :t P y'rT v yfl f V Wr W W" T1" K W' b ly fair and warmer. H I Forty.flrst Year.-No. 144 Price Five Cents. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 17, 1911 16 PAGES Entered as Second Clact. Matter at the Postofflco. Ogden, Utah, H |