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Show iCONDUCTOR KIDD SHOT AND KILLED ! Also the Sheriff of an Idaho County, Both Men Being1 the Victims of Bullets Fired by Desperate Characters Who Were Arrested Ar-rested at Spencer, Idaho Tragedy Occurs on an. I Oregon Short Line Train. Ah fdaho county sheriff, whose name has not yet been learned, was shot and fatally wounded today and Conductor KIdd was shot and killed on a south-bound Oregon Short Line train at Spencer, Idaho, by two unknown un-known men. Only meager particular have been received hero of the tragedy. The sheriff boarded the train at Hlghbrldgo and arrested two men. When the train reached Spencer, the sheriff put his prisoners In the smoking smok-ing car and began to search them. lie took two pistols from one of them, and while he was reaching out for handcuffs, hand-cuffs, one of the men grabbed up a pistol aiitl shot tho sheriff IhrouRh the abdbmeil. Conductor KIdd seized the man who turned the pistol on the conductor con-ductor and killed him. The jirisoner then pulled the bell ZJ (Continued" ofl Page Seven.) CONDUCTOR KIDD SHOT AND KLLLKD (Continued from Pago Six.) cord and when the train stopped sufficiently suf-ficiently Jumped off and fled. A posse Is In pursuit of them Later It was learned that Deputy Sheriff Samuel Milton of Dubois was the officer shot and that while tho sheriff and conductor were not killed thoy wcro mortally wounded. The shooting occurred on a southbound Oregon Short Line train near the mouth of Beacr canyon, Idaho, tpda. Deputy Sheriff Milton hoarded the train at Dubois and arrested two men on suspicion of having robbed a saloon sa-loon at Monlda a town on tho Montana-Idaho lino. After the shooting both the wounded wound-ed men fell to the floor of the car. The prisoners then held the passengers passen-gers nt bay and pulled the cord, signaling sig-naling the engineer to stop the train. When tho train stopped the two men alighted and escaped Into tho country. The alarm was immediately given and posses were sent out from tho towns of Spencer and Dubois The wounded men wore taken to Pocatcllo for trcatmcnL Neither Is expected to lhe. oo |