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Show qi o iiC o i i FOR OUR : III I IWPH ' TUTT1E & CO. , -J fit " v f r " ' ; v ' h ,-;--,-i -,T,f,'-v-:' LOCAL TIME TABLE. Kg. 5 . No-6 Pass- SIATIOXS. Pass- eutr enser D D P M. A.M. 6 00 Ar Odgen Lt 8 00 6 32 Layton 8 24 6 27 K58ville 8 28 6 14 L-.ke Shore 8 39 6 06 W'ooi's Cross 8 46 Jj SaitLake ft 4 SI Franklyn 9 22 4 24 Bingham Junction 9 29 4 13 Draper 9 39 . 4 03 Jordan Karrows 9 48 3 52 Halstead 10 01 8 61 Lehi 10 02 3 45 American Fork 10 10 3 39 Battle Creek , 10 31 3 20 Provo 10 40 3 09 Springvi'.Ie Junction 10 51 SCO Mapleton 1100 2 48 Castelia Springs 1115 8 25 Thistle Junction 1125 2 l'J Asphalt 11 46 P.M. 2 02 Nebo 12104 1 40 Indianola 12 25 I 13 Hill Top 12 51 1 02 Milbura 1 02 12 47 Fairvew " 1 16 12 23 Mt. Pleasant 1 34 12 12 Spring City 1 49 A. it. 11 45 F.phraim 2 lo 1123 MANTI 2 35 II US Merliug 2 oU 10 53 Gunnison 3 05 10 37 Willow Creek 3 20 10 20 L? Salin Ar 3 40 D. C. DODGE. A. E. WELBY, Gen'l. Mgr. Gen'l. Sopt. J. H. BENNETT, G. P.&T. A MANTI TIN SHOP. ; - ROBERT WITMEi?, PROP. fHanufacturer of Zin ant Copper mare IRootmg, ' ano Outtertng, etc. Soloertng ano iveparing Bone on Sbort H-lottce - KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF TINWARE and CUTLERY, OF EVERY DISCIRPTION. . roers ADail promptly Btteno to. MAIN STREET MANTI. pure Drugs at tbe Ctt rug Store. Young Bros. Co. 58 Main Street, Bait Lake City. Whoesale and Retail Dealers In otnestfc Sewing flDacbtnes, Cbase Bros, pianos, pacKerfc Organs, Dustcal flDercban&ise. SEND FOR OUR LIST OF TEN CENT SHEET MUSIC. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution. Invite attention to their large and varied assortment cf ladles Hats," Bonets, Trimmings, Ribbons and Notions Misses and Childrens' Straw Hats and summer Apparel of ail Descriptions. Mens' and Boys Summer suitings, staw hats, boots and shoes, ' Hose, Gloves, Silks, Zephyrs, Calicoes. Plain and Fancy Cashmeres in Great 54-inch all-wool Suitings at 60 cents per yard; Cashmetes from 25 cent to $1.25 per yard. "Seeing is Believing." An(i a socl Iam ';.i."f?-V must be simple; when it is not simple it is flfe:l$P UUiW4':-ij not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good these ir4 f ? words mean much, but to see "The Rochester " CtajES' ' will .impress the truth more forcibly. Ail metal, vT jf tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, 7" it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's .-jy : 1 of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- Jff ' ' ft velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, SuS' softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for this stamp The Rochester. If the lampdealrr hasn't the gennln jgp. Rochester, and the atyle you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, fV ?7t aud we will send you a lamp safely by express your choice of over 2,000 VX'f i,ai varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in ihe World. ROCHESTER LAilF CO., 4i Park Place, New Tork. city. AEL W "The Rochester." MANTI CITY m ii3 "Bin Capital Stock - - $50,000 Scbpltjs - - tlO.OOO BISECTORS L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christensen, Vice-Prest. Albebt tuttle, Cashier, J. B. Maiben, James Crawford Jr., Win. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf. Transactsa General Basking Business. Keceivc-s deposits payable on' demand. Five per cent paid on saving deposits. Fireproof Vault Safe Absolutely Burglar Proof, Money to loan on Real Estate, City and Farm Property and othsr approved security. Catarrh I a constitutional and not a local dlseue, and therefore lt eannot be cured by local up. pUcatloni. It requires a constitutional remedy rem-edy like Hood's Sarsapartlla, which, working throngh the blood, eradicates the Impurity WtUcb causes and promote the disease, and Gafairh effect a permanent cure. Thousands of people testify to the success of Hood's Sarsa; parilU as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had tailed. Hood's Sarsaparul also builds np the whole system, and makes you tl renewed In health and strength. atarrh- f used Hood's BarsaparUla for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from It. The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially in the winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises In my ears, and pains la tbe back ot my bead. Ihe effect to clear atarrh my bead in the morning by hawking and spit. - ting was painful. Hood's BarsaparUla gave me relief Immediately, while In time I war entirely cured. I am never without Hood's Sarsapartlla in my house as 1 think lt is worth its weight In gold." Mas. O. B. GrBB, iom " Sighth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hood's Sarsaparilla BOMDyan druggists. f tli for 5. Pwparedonry T O. I. HOOD CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, IOO D8s One Dollar r::.-.- i 'T-. '. i .r-:y people misen'j'a, "; ie-i-uestructiori Distress alter i.-.-i;; Br stomach, sic!; hoatlacli heartburn. !;''-'"i appetite, afaint, "all gone" feuluj, bad tas'e, co::ted tongue, arid irregu-rs irregu-rs larity of 'he bowels, are U. Stress somo 0f more common After rymrtoms. Dyspepsia does Cofji-fo- not get weI1 ot "self. It c requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa-i-'ariliu, vhieh acts gently, yet surely and ' efficiently. It tones the stomach and other 1 organs, regulates the digestion, creates at good appetite, and by thus cvcrccmins the local symp- ' c tc;r,s removes tho sympa- HeSdaCriQ lactic efiecta ol the disease, banisues the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia. I tad but little appetite, and vrli.-.t I did eat Mnrt- llutrcssel1 !0 or did me jj. . luu B00'J- 1,1 an bma C'-'Til after eating I would expe-tlcnee expe-tlcnee a fainlncss, or lirtd, all-gone feeling, I a- (,.::: -rli 1 hrul not eaten anything. My trctl-1.::-, ! v.as imvatea by my business, '..!::.:. is il.at ; ;t tor, and from being ' ' I -our i , ire.! 1, i. It did mo an : : :. cf c:., d. 1 1 tve mo aa i; j .'te, a,.,: ,. v t.-t.i rrii-hed a;:d s-ilfiej ii i-uY 4 , V, t 8;:!d;-.ya-.!,-:r:c.'V.s ; . . .- .... . f. ; . - ; ,u 1 t ' loo bvsa-'i wins li&.Sur Dress the Hair With A.yer'3 Hair Yior."y Its cleanliness, cleanli-ness, boDftficial effects on the sraip, and lasting pevhime cotumeud .it- fcir universal uni-versal toilet use. It keeps tiie hair solt aud silken, preserves, its color, prevents it from falling, and, it Ue hair lias fcoeotr.ft weak or thiu, promo tt-s a new grovvih. "To restore tho original color of n.y hair, -which had turned prematurely pray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with entire en-tire success. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation." Mrs. P. H. David-sou, David-sou, Alexandria, La. " I was afflicted some three vears with scalp disease. My hair was tailing out and what remained turned gray. I was induced to try Ayer'3 Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and mv hair rtbutiip:. it 3 original color." (Rev.) S.'i 3. Sitn-, Pastor TJ. B. Church, St. Bernitp. lad. "A few vears ago I suffered rh? t'n(r. loss of my "hair from the effects of t-rhT. . I hoped that after a time nature would repair the loss, but I waited in vain. Many remedies were suggested, none, however, with such proof of morii- a- Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began to use it. The result was all I could have desired. A growth of hair soon came out alt over my head, and grew to be as soft and heavy as I ever had, and of a namrai color, and jinnly set."J. 11. Pratt, iipotford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BV ( Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold bj Pruggitta aid Perfumers. Advertise in , The Tihe-Refobibb. |