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Show THE MANTI GROCERY CARRIES A F ULL LINE OF ' . AND- ' ' MIllSliHBl -; Headquarters For man iHHi wprp" St! ' own. -vPff Fruits and-V-EgetahlES Free Delivery to any Part of the City. Sentinel Block, Manti, - - Utah. THE MANTI ROLLER MILLS LOUIS F BECKLR, Lessee. , manufacturer of THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. Orders and Correspondence Solicited " ' Custom Work a Specialty. At the month of six mile Canyon. wv- - Antral latsh ' . '" Jug., , ril Uerethepeople can participate in the gru " BOATING? -- BATHING, FISHING and DANCING, Base Ball Grounds! 'Race Track! ffirsb Glass fljotel HccommoJatione. , ; Special Rates to Camping . partes, : J. Fielding will run a conveyance to and from the lake. Manufacturers of ' ' , ' We make the best QUALITY of Brick south of Provo and are prepared to lill Orders at any time and any quantity. Im.iiug the Season, Orders Received at Kiln. Three miles south of Manti on county road. . " 1' In till 9 p- ji s & jgj ir-ata J!?, ligx figjc 3J&. gfcgaSfe'' f , ... .- -ft"-'- --''-':ViirMfiTTHi lijli iiiiifoiih7prifli-'fs"ffsm"y iiimi'm |