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Show one of the great Paris hospitals out of eighty-three patients who suf-' ferebfrom epilepsy sixty were found to be children of drunken parents. " tin. Lakdkr Braxton declares that cold water is a valuable stimulant to -almost everybody, and wili often send the pulsefromseventy-six to one Hundred Hun-dred when sipped", wine glass at a time.'-. ' r Bjstwes "tillage, of' twenty and forty prisoners diepf consumption much morsp'rapidly tbaneople outside of confinement, con-finement, but whether this is owing to the confinement or to the previous lives of thfe convicts Is not.elr'ar.l-'Few. jcrtai-jnals'of jcrtai-jnals'of any kind kive to'ne old men. |