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Show our own county for instance, out of a possible 15, the commission ap pointed three democrats and twelve mixed republicans. This, we think, is an outrage, and one that will be resented not only by the democrats themselves, but by all honest men in the county. We have 110 interest in the matter other than a desire to see all parties treated with equal fairness and justice, but then it does not do much good to protest against such treatment, for the Utah coiumis sion knows no such word as fairness, fair-ness, when dealing with the people of Utah. We believe the appointments appoint-ments should be equally proportioned propor-tioned between the only two parties, par-ties, the republican and democratic according to their respective" number num-ber of votes. If that was dohe,"the democrats would have had at least eight out of the fifteen for the vote of this county at the last election whs, democratic, 645 ; republican, 569; liberal, 140. Allowing thai 100 of the 1 40 liberals are now republicans, and the remaining forty democrats, there would still be a democratic majority of eev-enty-six, the entLre vote of the f hoino 1 954 with fifteen deputy registrars, is equal to one registrar to every 83 9-15 voters, and as the democrats have a maj-oiity maj-oiity of seventy-six that would entitle them to eight deputies if they were appointed with a view to giving eaco party a representation according to its votes. If the so-cal'ed liberal-republicans nominate a ticket, and the republican republi-can partv, or straights, does likewise, like-wise, ihe latter have been as shamefully shame-fully treated as the demoi-rnts. fVr 1 hey have but two deputies out of tiie fifleen, leaving ten for the hbt nil-republicans, who as ye', have not cast a single vote in the entire county, but if the iwo republican repub-lican parties work together, and nominate but one ticket, as they should do, not only for their own interests, but for the sake of harmony, har-mony, the democrats, wnen it comes to represent-1"-registrars, are simply "'not it.'' B-lcw U. th J'- -' -ppointments il Oniipete county : Ylt Pleasant- Jensen. L, R. Moroni N. L. Eliason, L. R Fairview Sam Porter. L. R. .Milburn Orson Kelsey, D. Thistle GuDder Peterson, L. R. Fountain Green J. A. Holman, R. Spring City Jacob Johnson, L R, Chester J. Conrad, D. Ephraim Peter Schwalt, L. R Vlanti E. W. Fox, L, R, Petty George D. Peacock, Jr. Gunnison R. Christensen, L R Fayette - G. M. Clarke. L. R. Mayfield Henry Jensen, R. Wales H. C. Lamb, D. We have not the honor of the personal acquaintance of the gentlemen gen-tlemen whose names appear on the list, they may all be honorable and upright citizens, we trust they, are, but let that be as it may, it does not lessen the wrong inflicted on the people of Utah, by the Utah commission. All honest men, of both parties, believe In the principle princi-ple and spirit of fairness, and treat their opponents with ,. the same consideration as tney do members of their own party, and we respectfully ask our republican readers to look over the list of appointments, and ask themselves if the Utah commission has been fair in its treatment of the various political parties. The first portion of the paragraph clipped from our first issue forbids us taking sides with either or any party, and we will not do so, except at such times when we see a person or party outrageoubly mistreated. The latter portion says: "Above all we maintain the right to praise or censure any act or acts of any person or party, when truth, hone3ty and justice seem to demand it," and gives us the privilege of expressing our opirion on all eubjeets of general import. We have not written this article in the interest ofthedemo-or.-lic. party, but in the interests of air ess and honesty. THE REGISTRARS From our issue of July lGlh. we clip the following: In politics we will be independent, fair and impartial to all, with favors to none. We will not take sides with any party. Above all we maintain the right to praise or censure any act or acts of any person or party when truth, honesty and justice seem to demand it. When . we wrote the above we rneant every word of it, and we mean it now, and will s-.iuk to it as lonij as we publish an independent independ-ent ; aper. SV do uot wish to take-up take-up tue pen as an advocate of dt-iuoi:ricv, liut the whv the Utah Clin." re i::. is nc'.:Di; "'W.;.i the dcii.ocr 1 y ..! Ut.vh. if -enough to njiike any houe.-i man in ignant. We believe in hourly uu.l fun lies.-, and in giving fs.-h imlivid-iai .,r par y an -q ui dianc . but ,.p-par ,.p-par iith, he Uian .. .11.111 n-ion do. s 1. t i, 1, . . , , v p..ti s i-ti it-. 1. is ..is. t r .lit " ' I i' - -I - - . O, Is. |