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Show County Court. The county court met Tuesday as a board of equaliiation and wer kept busy adjusting and remitting taxes til) Thursday when they adjourned to meet again Monday. The application of Soren Chrislensen for a reduction of taxes was denied. ThesSs of Charlotte Hansen of FCuutaln Green were remitted in lull. The taxes of the estate of Soren Jor-gerson Jor-gerson of Fountain Green were remit-ted remit-ted in full. One-half of the taxes of Hans Madsen of Moroni and Rosalena Vunkler were remitted. The taxes of Alf Sorensen on transitory herd were abated on account of double assessment. The taxes of ohn Stanfield on transi-. transi-. ., wpt? remitted on account of double assessment, having been assessed in Iron and Millard counties; to be stricken strick-en out of Millard county. Taxes of Peter Larson and Annie Niel-son Niel-son of Chester were remitted iu full. One-half the taxes of Andrew Jensen, Jen-sen, of Wales were remitted, The taxes of Andrew Anderson. Peter Anderson, Andrew Peterson, Mary Ann Porter, Moren Hansen, Bettey Beckstroma Bert Rasmussen.Annie Larsen and Maria Larson, of Mt. Pleasant were remitted in full. The taxes of August Hoag.Ellen Peter-son.Chiistian Peter-son.Chiistian Brocterson, Ellen Pritchen and Mary Barton, of Mt. Pleasant were remitted one-half. The taxes ol Rasmus Rasmussen and Niels Madson, of Spring City were re- mitted in full. The taxes ot Jens Anderson, of Spring City. were remitted in full. Jorger Hansen of Ephraim had one-half one-half his taxes remitted. Jens Anderson, of Spring Citv had his taxes remitted in full. Assessment of Nephi Nyhorg on transi tory herds in Millard county were abated on account of double assessment. The above is only a very small portion of the proceedings but lack of space prevents pre-vents us from publishing a detailed account ac-count in this issue, in our next, however, we will give a fuli and complete list of the remillances, abatements, etc. |