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Show HAPPENING OF LATE. OF.VESTT thousand people kissed the humerus of St. Ann, the saintly relic which had a stay of two weeks in Xew York. Mrs. Pike, of Dunsland, Iieland, has become more or less celebrate! by catching catch-ing a thirty-five pound salnon with a six-ounce trout rod, A large white circle arouid the sun frightened the negroes at Jackson, Miss., so badly that they ruied from their houses and declared thatthe judgment judg-ment day was coming. The Reading railroad select.d a very rainy day recently for the aietion in Philadelphia of two thonsanc or more umbrellas that had been left il the cars of the company by absent-miided passengers. pas-sengers. Journeymen- horseshoers in their union's annual convention at Boston adopted a resolution calling ipon the president to "patronize union Ibor and to have his horses shod by unon men, who receive American wages." |