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Show 4 ! THE WORLD'S ODD CORNER J. Is the dreary deserts of Arabia the rosemary and lavender flourish to perfection. per-fection. Il is said that the Eakimo alphabet lias only five characters: that the language lan-guage itself is not very difficult, but it is the only one the Eskimo ever learns. A riveb of ink flows in Algeria. One stream is impregnated with iron, and it meets another flowing through peat moss, containing gallic acid: when they unite they form a stream of ink. Pliny, that rare old gossip, tells of a cave somewhere in Dalmatia where a stone thrown in raised a regular din of noises. Fingal's cave, on the. isle of Staffa, has-, an abnormally developed echo. . Some of- the - Venetians those who havff never been. to (he mainland-have mainland-have never seen a horse in all their livs. A showman onc;3 Vonght one to a fair and called it a monger." and the factory hands paid fifteen cents each to see (he marvel. . - -. . lv . - Is Afriea people of the tribe . called Obongo take the bodiesXf their dead to a running stream, which bos been previously pre-viously diverted from its om"se. A deep grave is dug in the bed the stream, the bodies are placed in fVand covered over, and finally the stxean is restored to its natural course. |