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Show WHITE LIES. Some folks are of the opinion that occassionally a lie will answer better than the truth, for, they say, "It is not always best that the truth be known." Such a principle, princi-ple, to say the least, is not very commendable or praiseworthy. A mau who tells white lies occasionally, occasion-ally, may prosper, far a lime, but he will make the best permanent success suc-cess as a failure. He may tell his little untruths year in and year out, and still keep up a reputation for honesty and truthfulness, but just as sure as the world is round he will be unmasked sooner or later, for no man can lie and not be caught; truth will triumph in the end, and a lie, like murder, "wi;l out." Almost everything is bronght about by natural principles, and nature's laws; the water is drawn up from the oce?n, and carried away by the clouds, only to be i A r,A nnmca ilnnn in the wmvo uv.. form of rain; the rain drops mingle together and form a little pool; the pool overflows its banks, and a Yery;i-mall stream is formed, which could easily be checked or turned; th s gr ou:lly becomes larger and larger nli it re cues the mountain cietk, ai.ii mingliu with the water of the creek, thf rain drops are car Tied to tne riv r, where a uiith'y body O. watr g.im (.wefully along, but ii nv ihr r.nntlrii(ie and canyon sireai-., l.avf jo n-d h ' rivi r, a i 'i 1 ,,: i Strean. 3 . - on t- o dv .-e.au ai..i no bun an (ower can 00 or check it. Thus the rain ir.. k have come back to the r starting point. ih mighty ocean. It is j. st the Ha,.e will a falsi -hood; it is started, and goes on us way, it travels fast and goes far, but just as sure as the world is round it - comes, sooner or later. stares at the one who t Id it, a d causes hi in o U 11 another io-fc it. TUia ' 1 1 'fTn i n the same Course, and er we know it. it has returned, and another is to d which goes through the same process, until the person telling the untruth at first, is at last compelled com-pelled to confess, or live under the -ban, not only of dishonesty but also of dishoner. His fiiends lose th confidence they formerly had in him, and his enemies take delight de-light in reminding him of the fact, even his most intimate acquaintances acquaint-ances will scarcely accept his word or hi statement under oath. And the enly person in the world whe still believes in him is his wife, and even she will at times doubt him. 80 friends, never excuse a lie by ayiug it is whit. Folks may think you foolish at first, but just think how glorious it will be to have inscribed on your tombstone. "he nevei told a lie." Truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes some-times harder to .tell, but tell it nevertheless, awl you will surely be blessed. |