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Show GRINNING GRIMSMS. Not Always Funny but Sometimes Original. Love thy neighbor as thyself, As this world yon go traveling through. Then you will find you'll be loft behind And ean't pay yonr bills when due. The man who sits on a pin is very apt to take a sudden rise in the world. It is said that every time Dr. Staoey has a patient he looks down in the month. Doetor. Stick out your tongue. Pat. Phat for ye phool, me tongue's alright, its me stomick that's sick. "These jokes about mothers-in-law ' make me tired," said Jones, but Jones is ' not married, he is only engaged. r A man came into this office yesterday and said: "gosh it's hot," and our devil wanted to know why he didn't put it on ice. There Is a blindman in Manti who is noted for his atility to distinguish ... colors, it Is said that his sense of touch is so keen that he can feel blue. "Man wants but little here below," That statement causes mirth; It might have been so years ago, But now he wants tie earth. It was reported that the editor of this ' paper went to Salt Lake last Monday to ' get married, sneh is not the case He went to fulfill a very "pressing" engagement. engage-ment. It Is reported that Johnny Stringham is about to get married, but as yet there ! are no strings on him, and when he does settle down we hope he will String-ham String-ham ont. "Well," said a friend yesterday, 'T don't like girls much anyway, but the girl I hate is the one who plaees a pin In such a position that a fellow always stieks it in him when he tries to em-traces em-traces her." Mary yon look agitated and worried, what Is the matter with yon? Mary, (whose young man had just gone.)Nothing ma, only I've just escaped from a very tight situation. The man who lectured on the different differ-ent races delivered an interesting but Incomplete discourse, he mentioned the Caucasian, the Mongolian, the African and the Savage races but he forgot to -, j mention the horse race or the foot race, aridTtlBy BIO tiulli in I I " I intit tn Hial. We were told yesterday that there is a a scribe in Provo who has taken an oath ,s to break our neek, and we are living in a terrible fear without a roof and the cruel wind of terror blows through the eracks and our. whiskers, cold and clammy horror has seized our heart with both hands, we imagine we can hear our fnneral dirge being murdered on a sax-" sax-" aphone, and, we 'moan, and moan and moan. |