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Show wiji mwpg.wiinii i mwiwiiin Timi """""'""""l "J 1 -" 1 ' ' ' fe ( - ).;. . ' ' Careful Dressers Select xjjx -x SOCKS For their extraordinary quality that permits us to give an absolute guar-antee guar-antee as to every pair, for the unusual features of comfort and anus ... ankle fit and for the wide range of shades and colors .gSTS-Mf that make it possible to observe good taste in dress- Jf. : ing and to harmonize the socks with the colors "Af of other articles of apparel. jST'Ww'''' Sizes 9's to 12's all leading colors four , JT" . grades every box guaranteed. ; Any Quality $1.00 a Box. ' aJ A. F. McCULLEY MILFORD, UTAH ,, . i --" - " " " When in Lund patronize MATHESON THE LUND HOTEL THE TAILOR Cleanliness, Comfort, Courtesy, Good Service , f tt i i n tt. Reasonable Rates Maker of Up-to-date Clothes Headquarters (or travel throughout Southern Utah MILFORD - - UTAH LUND, UTAH Mrs. E. L. Carter, Prop. I -' Tombstones, Monum,e Ihl! i n l tvnlls hi; and Grave Markers-nce here . . , i' Poles fuste kinds at reasonable crotch a b E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH Shirley S. Atkin Attorney-at-Law Office MILFORD STATE BANK BUILDING MILFORD' UTAH Phone 19 J. A. INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer City Engineer MILFORD UTAH PHONE KO. 67 - . CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land Cash or Terms Some Specials ic School Lands MILFORD, UTAH E. B. JORGENSEN Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Phone 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Siriht rred II f , h and (I f li ned If J . ' . I r aby II f Hve II ?i Every kiddie should slee in one of our Patent Iron Bed: Smith L Davis Mffg. Co. St. Louis The Elastic Spring and Adjustable Foot Lift an features that any mothe will appreciate Price $12.00 Burns & Bird Co. Milford, Utah Phone 17 Smtring Milford Opera House Wednesday and Saturday NIGHTS Wednesday Couples only L'aucing at 9 p.m. sharp Saturday Open Assembly Dancing at 9.3U p.m. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED Live Locals for. , gsAAl INSURE THAT AUTO-If it isn't! worth it, you oughtn't to own it. I Do it now. See Cameron Aing-ton Aing-ton right away. You'll find him iu Milford. . ! FOR SALE:-40or 80 acres first class land cheap. Address Box 98, Mil- j ford, Utah. Adv. j Watcli the Bargain Corner Window at Burns & Bird Co.'s Store. You 11 find what ou want there at a reduced; rate. Adv. FOR SALE : Light weight tractor. Fully equipped and in excellent condition. One half factory price. Inquire Milford Distributing Co. Adv. F03 SALE; A fpv choice lots; easy terms. See J. Matthews. Adv. Fitted and unfitted Horse Shoes, all stvles and kinds, at Burns & Bird Co. Adv. FOR SALE Several horses, cheap, mares and geldings Orpheum Hotel, Milford. Phoue 81. 4x Let us Oil your Harness. We put the Oil in the Leather. Ad v. Second hand Saddles and Harnees at the Harness Shop. Adv. Manganese mine for sale. Assays over 42cc Opened ready for ore to be taken out. For further information write Mrs. M. J. Loriug, Monroe, Utah. Adv. FOR SALE; The new McDonald Apartments, $600 down, 81 per month, 5100 in all. will take the building. Six apartments. Call on or address J. K. McDonald, Milford. Adv. If you want the best in Painting, Kalsomining and Decorating, eo to R. G. Siewert. Adv. FOR SALE Vacant corner lot good location easy terms Enquire NKWS Office Adv. FOR EXCHANGE. 40 acres of deeded land in New Mexico, 3 miles from town. Value $1500. ' Want stock of goods or furniture or house in town. Enquire at NEWS office. Binding Twine, 15c per lb. Burns and Bird Co. FOR EXCHANGE 150 acres of tim-. tim-. ber in Coleville County, Washington. Wash-ington. Original growth 2 million mill-ion feet. Want land or house in town. Value 3500. Enquire NEWS office Adv. Constipation the Father of Many Ills Of the numerous ills that affect humanity a large share start with constipation. Keep your boweli regular regu-lar and the' may be avoided. When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Obtainable Obtain-able everywhere. 1 Beaver County School District is lawarded five Scholarships by the U. W U. Students wishing one will apply o E. H. White, l Supt. of Schools I Before oru '( an raperj elsewhere, see R. G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Salt Lake or any mail order house. Make your own selections. selec-tions. Adv. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is a medicine that every famil should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on Buddeuly and it is of the greatest importance thai they be treated promptly. Consider i he suffering that must be endured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for thi-quick thi-quick relief which it affords. Obtainable Obtain-able everywhere. Adv. FOR SALE 20 acres under ditch, with waterstoek; four-room house; small orchard; easy terms also two-seat surrey and pony Enquire News office. TO TRADE FOR MILFORD PRO-perty PRO-perty an 3 room pressed brick house in Salt Lake What have yon? Address Box 93, Milford. a -! (-I 4-!!J : We are ready to do plowing, J t clearing and seeding at very J reasonable rates. We are also agents for the t Waterloo Boy Tractor , I which is sold on a small pay- J ment down and balance in monthly payments which are 4 at the reach of every poor A man's pocket book. t J Addrss 4. I 4TIER RANCH, t J MILFORD, UTAH or $ I J. H. F0RTIER I 1237 KING STREET, J SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. :t COMING t IK pf Big Tent Show $ I Alabama I Minstrels I f 40 People 40 I TWO PRIVATE CARS Mil t)! J Concert Band, Singers, Dancers, Comedians, J Cake Walkers, Wire Walkers, Acrobats jj BIG PARADE AT NOON 5 I SHOW AT NIGHT ONLY I 1 j MILFORD J :i Thursday, Sept 14 j Special Meeting Of Home and School Organization I A special general meeting of the Home and School Organization will he held in the High School auditorium, Wennesday evening, the 13th instant, at 8 p.m. A full attendance is desired. M ETZ 5 Passenger Touring Car Modernly Equipped, Electric Starter and Lighting System Quick Demountable Tires $600 f- o- b- WALTHAM MASS Roadster and Express Cars proportionately cheaper A. G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Beaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator YOU'LL EVENTUALLY USE THIS BREAD The time is coming, and it is not far distant, when you and every other housewife will use ROYAL TABLE QUEEN BREAD exclusively. Not boastfully do we say this. The inner goodness of ROYAL TABLE QUEEN will compel it. For in this bread are found qualities that no other bread possesses. Only because of the enormous output and high efficiency of the Royal Bakery is it possible to offer ml Table queEN g3 1 1 "The Perfect Bread.'' ' 1 for the "common bread'' price? . , Ingredients from which it is made, cost considerably more than those used for ordinary breads. Its exceptional flavor wins every palate. Wty not surprise the family by . serving "Royal Table Queen" to- fqr sale night, instead of the "usual" bread. MILFORD BY Royal Table Queen is the bread . that made mother stop baking. BILL & BILL Your grocer sells it, fresh every GOLDEN RULE STORE day- T. W. SLOAN & CO. ROYAL BAKING CO. I -J i GOLDEN RULE STORE I 5 MILFORD - UTAH 1 Blankets and Quilts We just received our full line of Blankets and Quilts, and we cordially invite you to Sfc 6 look them over 2 v Blankets ranging in price from $ 95c to $8.00 g g M OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS h J() 7 bars Laundry Soap ... 25c 71 jtt 8 bars Toilet Soap ... 25c JH' g $1.00 Union Made Overalls - - 79c $5 25c Leather Faced Gloves - - 19c V j K Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes - 3 for 25c g 10c Oysters - - - - .3 for 25c 5 1 lb. Manor House Coffee - 40c ffi g THE GOLDEN RULE STORE S Phoi5e 10 |