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Show A Resolution of Intention to create and establish Local Improvement District No. 1 of the Town of Milfoid, Utah, for the construction of sewers in portions of certain streets and a certain cer-tain alley described therein, there-in, the cost of which improvement im-provement is to be levied and assessed upon the property benefited by such improvement. WHEREAS, Certain citizens of the Town of Milford, in Beaver County Utah, owning property lying rrithin the corporate limits of said town, and being more particularly in North Milford, Latey and Williams Town site, and the West Half of Blook No. 2 Milford Townsite, have petitioned the Board of Trustees of said town to cause to be constructed an extension to the present sewer system of Baid town, and to create an improvement district, and aisess the cost of said improvement against the property owners in said district; and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable advis-able by this board that said petition be granted and said sewer extension be made; Now Therefore, Be it resolved and ordered by the 3oard of Trustees of the Town of Milford, in Beaver County, Utah, as follows: Section 1. That the town make the following described improvement within the Town of Milford, to wit;- The construction of n extension to the present sewer system by laying sewer pipe 8 inches in diameter in the following streets and alley between the following points: Stoddard Street: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue aud extending southward in and along said Stoddard Street to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to connect with sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. Main Street: Beginning at the center line of North Third Avenue, thence southward in and along Main Street to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to conect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. ... McKeon Street: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue thence southward in and along McKeon Street to the southwest corner of Lot 3 in block 2, North Milford, Latey a'nd Williams Townsite, the said sewer to connect with the' sewer pipe now lying in Center Stre.t and McKeon Street. ' Alley in block 2, Milford Townsite: Beginning at the north line of First Avenue, Milford Townsite; thence northerly in and along the alley of said block 2, Milford Townsite tp the sewer line on Center Street, the e aid sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. Section 2. To pay for the cost of the construction of said sewer extension ex-tension there is hereby created within the Town of Milford, Sewer District No. 1, which shall include all of the lota and parcels of land lying within the boundaries described as follows: to wit: Beginning at me 5ouiueau of Lot Three (S) in Block Two C) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence a distance of Five Hundred Ninety Four and Eight Tenth (594.8) feet along the east line of the west half (WJ) of Blocks Two (2) and seven (7), North Milford, Latey Williams Townsite to the northeast corner of Lot Seven (7) Block seven (7) North Milford, Latey and Williams Tnmnteta' thanra westerlv a distance of Three Hundred and Five (305) feet along the north line of blocks seven (7) and Six (6), North Milfoid, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northeast corner of Lot Seven (7) in Block Six (6) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite ; thence northerly, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty (360) feet along the east line of the west half (W).) of Block Six (6) extended and the east line of the west half of Block Ten (10) North Milford, Latey aud Williams Towntite to the north east corner of Lot Seven (7) in Block TtD (10) North Milford. Latey and Williams Townsite; thence westerly a distance of Two Hundred and Ninety (290) feet along the north line of Lot Seven (7) in Block Ten (10) and Lot Eight (8) iu Block Eleven (11) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; to the northwest coruer of lot eight 8, in block eleven 11, North Milford, Late) and Williams Townsite; theuce southerly a distance of Three Hundred Sixty (360) feet along the west line of the east half (EH) of block eleven (U) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northwest corner lot eight (S) in block fie (5) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence westerly a distance of three hundred fifteen (315) feet along the north line of blocks five (5) and thirty one (31) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northwest" corner of lot eight (8) in block thirty one (31) , North Milford, Latey and Wiliams Townsite; thence southerly a distance of six hundred sixty ( 660) feet along the west lines of lots eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven Ui, twelve U-'j anu one ui, in uiock thirty (31) and the west lines of lots eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12) and one (1) in block thirty (30) both blocks being in North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite: to the southwest corner of lot one 1 in block thirty 30, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite: thence easterly a distance of one hundred eighty five (185) feet along the south line of block thirty (30) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the southwest corner of lot two (2) in block four (4) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence southerly a distance of three hundred (300) feet along the west line of block two (2) Milford Townsite; to the southwest corner of lit five 5, in block two 2 Milford Townsite; thence easterly a distance of onehundred fifteen (115) feet along the south line of block two (2) Milford Townsite to the southeast corner of lot five (5) in block (2) Milford Town-site; Town-site; thence northerly a distance of three (300) feet along the east line of the West Half (WH) of block two (2) Milford Townsite to the southest corner cor-ner of lot two (2) in block four (4) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence easterly a distance of two hundred twenty four and seven tenths (224.7) feet along the south line of block four(4)and three (3) to a point on the south line of lot two (2) in block three (3) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence east along the south lines of lots two (2) and one (1) in block three (3) and the bouth line of lot three (3) in block two (2) North Milford, Mil-ford, Latey aud Williams TownBite to the southeast corner of lot three (3) in block two (2i North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite, the place of beginning; all lying within the corporate cor-porate limits of the Town of Milford, Beaver County, Utah. The property lying within the above described boundaries to be assessed for said sewer improvement is as follows: The West half (WH) of blocks two (2) and seven (7) ; all of blocks three (3), four (4), five (5) and six (6); lots eight 8, nine 91, ten 101, eleven 11, twelve 12 and one 1 in block thirty one 31; lots eight (8), nine (9), ten 10, eleven 11, twelve 12 and one (I in blocks thirty 30; the West half WH of block (10) and the East half (EH) of block eleven II ; all in North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; and also the West half WH of block two 2 in Milford Townsite; all being within the corporate limits of the Town of Milford, Beaver County, Utah. Section 3. The astimated cost of said sewer improvement is three thousand thou-sand one hundred ninety five dollars aud forty-six cents ?3195.46 which shall be assessed against all of the property above described which is hereby declared to be specially benefited bene-fited to the full extent of the cost of said improvement. Section 4. The method of assessment assess-ment shall be as follows: Each lot or parcel of land abutting upon each side of the- streets and between be-tween the points above described shall be assessed an amount according to the number of front feet abutting upon said streets and the alley, which amount shall be in proportion as the front footage of each lot or parcel of land is to the frontage of all the lotS and lauds, so improved. The said assessment shall be spread over a period of ten (10) years and payable in ten 10 equal annual installments to become delinquent at such time as shall be provided in the ordinance levying the tax. Section 6. Immediately after the passage and approval of this ordinance ordin-ance the town clerk shall give notice of the intention of this board of trustees to create the said improvement improve-ment district and to tax the property therein by publication for not less than twenty 201 days in the "Beaver County News," a weekly newspaper published within and having general circulation in the Town of Milford; more particularly said notice shall be published in said newspaper in four 4 consecutive weekly issues thereof, which said notice shall be in substantially substan-tially the following form: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the board of trustees of the Town of Milford, in Beaver County, Utah, of the intention of such board of trustees to make the following described improvement, im-provement, to-wit: The construction of an extension to the present sewer system by laying sewer pipe 8 inches in diameter in the following streets and alley between the following points: Stoddard Street: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue and extending southward in and along said Stoddard Street to the sewer line on Center Street, tho said sewer to connect with sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. Main Street: Beginning at the , center line of North Third Avenue, thence southward in and along M?in Street to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. McKeon Street: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue, thence southward in and along McKeon Mc-Keon Street to the southwest corner of lot three 3, Jn block two2, North Mil ford, Latey and Williams Townsite, the said sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street and McKeon Street. I Alley in block two (2, Milford Townsite: Beginning at the north line of First Avenue, Milford Townsite; thence northerly in and along the alley of said block two (2). Milford, Townsite, to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. The boundaries of the district to be affected and benefited are as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot three (3) in block two (2) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence a distance of five hundred ninety four and eight teuths (694.8) feet along the east line of the west half (WH) of blocks two (2) andseven (7), North Milford, Latey aud Williams Townsite; to the north east corner of lot seven (7) in block seven (7) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence westerly, a distance of three hundred five (305) feetalongthe north line of blocks seven (7) and six (6) North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; to the northeast corner of lot seven (7) in block six 6, North Milford, Latey and Williams Town-site; Town-site; thence northerly a distance of three hundred sixty 360 feet along the east line of the west half WH of block six6extended and the east line of the westhalf WH of block ten 10 North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the norih east eornerof lot seven 7 in block ten lu North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence westerly a distance of two hundred ninety 290 feet along the north line of lot seven 7 in block ten 10 and lot eight 8 in block eleven 11 North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northwest corner of loteight8;n block eleven 11, North Milford, Latey aud .Williams Townsite; thence southerly a distance of three hundred . iny 360 feet- aloi.g the west line of the east halt EH of blook eleven 11 North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northwest corner lot eight 8 in block five 5 North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence westerly a distance of three hundred fifieen 315 feet along the north line of blocks five 5 aud thirty one 31 North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the northwest corner of lot eight 8 in block thirty one (31), North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence southerly a distance of six hundred sixty 660 feet along the west line of lots eight 8, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, twelve 12 and one 1, in block thirty one 31, and the west line of lots eight 8, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, twelve 12 and one 1, in block thirty 30, both blocks being be-ing in Nortn Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the southwest corner of lot one 1, in Block Thirty 30, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence easterly a distance of one hundred eighty five 185, feet along the south line of block thirty 30, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the southwest corner of lot two 2, in block four 4, North Mil ford, Latey and W7illiams Townsite; thence southerly a distance of three hundred 300, feet along the west line of block two 2, Milford Townsite to the southwest corner of lot five 5. in 'block two 2, Milford Townsite: thence easterly a distance of one hundred fifteen 115, feet along the south line of block two 2, Milford Townsite to the southeast corner of lot five 5, in block two 2, Milford Townsite; thence northerly a distance of three hundied 300, feet along the east line ol west half of block two 2, Milford Townsite to the southeast corner of lot two 2, block four 4, North Milford, Mil-ford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thence easterly a distance of two hundred hun-dred twenty four and seven tenths 224.7, feet along the south line of blocks four 4, and three 3, to a point on the soutb line of lot two 2, in block three 3, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; thenc6 east along the south line of lots two 2, and one 1, in block three S, and the south line of lot three 3, in block two 2, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite to the southeast corner of lot three 3, in block two 2, North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite, the place of beginning; all lying witbinjthe corporate corpor-ate limits of the Town of Milford, Beaver.County, Utah. ' ( The property lying within the above described boundaries te be assessed for said sewer improvement is as follows : The west half W 1 .j , of blockst wo 2, and seven 7; all of blocks three 3, four 4, five 5, and six 6; lots eight S, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, twelve 12, and one 1, in block thirty one 31 ; lots eight S, nine 9, ten 10, eleven 11, twelve 12, and one 1, in block thirty. 30; the west half WH, of hlock ten 10; and the east half of block eleven 11; all in North Milford, Latey and Williams Townsite; and also the west half WH, of block two 2, in Milford Townsite; all being within the corporate limits of the Town of Milford, Beaver County, Utah. The estimated cost of said eewer improvement im-provement is three thousand one hnn-dred hnn-dred ninety five dollars and forty six cents $3195.46, which shall be assessed upon all of the property lying within said boundaries and above described, each lot or parcel of land abutting upon the streets and the alley and between be-tween the points -above named to be assessed an amount, which is in proportion pro-portion as the frontage of each lot or parcel of land bears to the total frontage fron-tage of all the lots and parcels of land within said district. Said district shall be known and designated as "Sewer District No. 1." Notice is hereby further given, that the board of trustees "will meet on Friday, to wit: the 29th day September Septem-ber A.D. 1916, at the office ot the Town Clerk in said town, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. aud will then consider the proposed levy and hear and determine any and all written objections ob-jections which shall be filed with the Town Clerk at or before the said time by the owner or owners of any of the property abutting upon that proportion propor-tion of the Btreets and the alley above named. Dated this 7th day of September, A.D. 1916. J. A. ISGOLS, Town Clerk SEAL Section 6. That on Friday, to-wit: the 29th day of September, A.D. 1916 at the hour of S o'clock P. M., the Board ot Trustees of the Town of Milford Mil-ford shall meet in the office of the Town Clerk for the purpose of consid ering the proposed levy and hearing anddeterminiugany written objections that may be filed with tbe Town Clerk at or before said time. Section 7. This resolution being for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the citizens of the town of Milford, shall be in effect from and after its passage and approval. APPROVED, September 7th, 1916 R. H. PlTOHFORTH, President, Board of Trustees SEAli Attest: J. A. Ingols Town Clerk First Pub. Sept. 8th, A.D. 1916 Last Pub. Sept. 29th, A.D. 1916 |