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Show Notice to Water Users State Enuineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that Mary i E. Ferguson, whose post office address is Miitord, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Uiali, la07, as amended by the Session Laws ol Utah, 19U9, 1911 and 1915, to appropriate appropri-ate two (2) cubic-feet of waier per h second from Lincoln Creek, Beaver j 1 j County, Utah. Said water will be j diverted at a point which bears south ' 45 degrees, west 800 feet from United i States Mineral Monument No. 1, I Linco'n Mining District, and conveyed 1 by means of a ditcu for a distance of 2u0 feet, and used from January 1 to ' December 31, inclusive, of each year, Sfor hoisting, milling and mining purposes, pur-poses, at the Slag Mine, in the mining ot copper, silver, gold and lead ores. This application is designated in the State Engineer's office as No. 6703. All protests against the granting of s-iid application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied by a fee of $2.50, and tiled in thiB office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. W. D. Beers, State Engineer Date of first publication August 11, 1918, date of completion of publication September 11, 1916. |