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Show Ray Caldwell's work has shown a ig improvement of late. I The Central league is in the best uncial condition it has ever been in. Bringing Home the Bacon That's the solid satisfac-i satisfac-i tion of hog raising to bring home the bacon. It's fine business to count a good round profit at the end of the season. ' Every pig saved helps bring in the money. Disease Dis-ease robs many a farmer of his reward. Build a good hog house. It will help you raise healthy pigs. Drainage and sunlight are the best natural advantages advan-tages that a hog house can have. The material for construction need not be costly. Tlie main thing is I that it be wisely selected. ; I Come in and let us help you decide. ' BONNEVILLE LUMBER CO .... , ..,,,.., , M .... ...... , Milford Lund Modena - - and wmit. lo wiu'lifur ji r.-til- r;37X3 Just the c . vr?? Typewriter fCi:M for You . V Aj n;,4' : 1 If h1 " ' V j SOLD ON JUST THE TERMS I THAT SUIT YOU I . The I Si ' Our latest product, the latest thing in typewriters, the 'H machine for which YOU have been wailii.-i'. ; a The Junior is smaller and lighter than the Standard Runiint'di i j models wciLdjii only 17 punml 5B It is simpler. You can quickly learn lo operalc it. Xo lessons ; I n-"J-"d- y It has all the Rcmv,i,''on esrntrh, standard k-ylta"T, r'andard I type, Jtr.d v.Ti;(S letters of standard sue li.e kind wiih tlic 1 , hundred-dollar look. I & It- sells for $$0 the first a!svlut-ly f:rst-;yade inacliine at a R medium price. ' It is sold cithi r f'.r cash or on easy payments $5 down and 5 a 1 ik ou arc not risked 1c buy tiie Remington Junior L- Yip t,.'r'""; j will send it on ten davV f j; cx;iTina!inil to any a 1- Remington Typewriter Company, ) dr--"3 wilhiii the firt and (;..u,;,'.rai. u) S r.d ,;ir ; l "-: 'c '.'','. s 327 H rond way , New York. ' tf ;r.iy K ::;.i:iy'-'.n V-ranch cil"n-e. Jf you clrcid'j iv-, a P.mineron Junior Typc- to kf-nit, rt-'i'.m V'i'hin wnrrr, j'ti; free cxaniiMtion. I ; is t'-n d.i ." ---iiU oLligaiioi1 ur.ri'.T-;-Nd t! .it J jl:;.v return die n.iichine, i.:vol; .1. 1 c'""' rt v.'itliin ten day. If J decide J? JT- roh v.:r cl anc w -:r to yuuhw hy I arrrc to pry tor it in JO ' '''.-.'t" 'rv iV monthly payment of $ 5 each. j B tyj)C7.T:cr v'.i liavc a:- I k coupon and suid it to Uo. !J '! &L Lzzzzz:ziz:zzJl I b ' ' Beaver County News, County Agents |