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Show TILLIE SCKAFER IS THROUGH Would Have Greater Success Throwing Throw-ing Rice at Pacific Ocean Than Trying to Hit Baseball. Tillie Shafer, former siar intiefder of the New York d'iaiits, has quit b:is"-ball b:is"-ball for good. He motored to New Vork from San I'Yaneiseo, t;il:iii 1M days fnr the trip, and after' viewing a duiihIe-ije;i(,T on the I'olo gfouiirls declared de-clared he was llirouh wirii the game. "I went out on the field riot long at:o.' said Shafer, "and tried to hit a hall. 1 would have met with greater success t hrowi ng handf uls of rie at flie Pacific ocean." Shafer cjuit the Giants when a' !?: top of his form to enter the real etaN-busmen etaN-busmen ;jt f.os Angeles. |