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Show World-Telephone to Level All Barriers and Bring Common Brotherhood of Man By JOHN J. CARTY Clucf Engineer American Telephone and Telegraph Company There can be 110 doubt whatever that tome day we r"cT!"is. shall establish telephone communication with every f JjX part of the known world. This is the work ire ( V-'; l engaged on now. What will be the effect of all this? if - ' Where people do not freely communicate with each w ' other they do not understand each other. There is "-'' V misunderstanding, there is suspicion, there is jealousy, there is war. But when people can freely communicate i " t with each other tliey are drawn together and a con- nr.s " ' ' dition is created where all interests are common to all j 1 the people. The world-telephone will make a common r language a necessity. That does not mean that all languages except one will disappear, but there will be one language which all the world will understand !ind use for communication. It will be the language that we Americans talk. And with the common understanding of language will come a free exchange of thought and of ideas and a common brotherhood of man. Frontiers will gradually disappear, and we shall evolve into one great family of mankind. That, I believe, .is the true mission of the telephone. tele-phone. What we ought all to be specially proud of is the fact that these achievements are the product of American institutions and reflect the genius of our people. The story of the telephone, the story of its development, develop-ment, is the story of our own country, a story exclusively of American tutcrprise and of American progress. All the most powerful governments of Europe have tried their best to develop and operate telephone systems, and with what results? Great contributions to the art have not been made by any one of them. Americans have given a new voice to mankind, have created and perfected per-fected an electrical system of communication for the advancement ol civilization. Americans have extended without limit the carrying power of the human voice, eliminating barriers to speech, binding together our own people and now reaching out with the great aim of some day bringing all the people of all the nations of the earth into a common brotherhood. |