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Show lights this winter, our kind friends the County Commissioners Commission-ers will have to get busy. Commissioner Com-missioner Burgon promised them for this winter. Are his promises prom-ises like pie-crust made to be broken? We think not. That some girls don't inherit much good sense but they are blessed with good looks. ' That Uncle Sam always has money to help out a nation in distress. Did It Ever Occur to You That some people are fond of decorating their coat with fraternal fra-ternal - emblems, but somehow overlook the statements that are sent them monthly? That Jack Denipsey should be in a position to keep himself healthy counting his money. That a good-looking wire is a valued asset to a man, but a good cooking wife means much more to that man. That when you eat your oysters oys-ters on the half-shell at Croy's Cafe don't forget to look for the pearls they may contain. They say that love is blind in September. Those who have it can't see their finish. That these are trying-on times at Mrs. Parsons' for fall hats. That Firpo cannot yet be accused ac-cused of being a pugilistic has-been. has-been. That some of the older folks enjoyed and appreciated the circus cir-cus just as much as the younger element. The "Homliest Woman Wo-man on Earth" wouldn't even permit us to sit alongside her. That it is the rule that a knocker can always draw a bigger big-ger audience than a booster. That one can't blame the devil for everything wrong that happens. hap-pens. That tomatoes used to be called "love apples." Of course, they were fruit then. That preachers cannot preach Christianity and intolerance at the same time. That when we drove a buggy we didn't have to remember a thousand traffic laws. That vacations are mostly over with the exception of paying the bills. That the greatest misfortune of mankind is the party who is not in office could solve all prob- lems without half the trouble. That the oldtimers who used to pet up their girl in a buggy think it's a crime for a erirl to be loved-up a little in a car. That prejudiced foreign critics don't speak well of our latest, sweetest, "Yes, We Have No" That if you really want what you have been crying for for years, we mean good water, get out and compel all your neighbors neigh-bors and friends to attend the election and vote for the best water that Bingham can possibly get. Boost between now and the day of election for GOOD WATER. Talk it over with your friends. That if Lark is to have any |