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Show .(,"-- ' f ' ' ' .THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH ... - ' jjT ':". TELL YOUR FRIENDS NOW IS THE TIME TO SUB-SCRIBE, SO THEY MAY HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO READ A REAL WEST-ERN STORY, "THE BRAND-ING IRON." VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER For Sale ' Westminster automatic shot-gun, with 2 boxes of shells and cleaning outfit; $40.00 cash takes outfit. See Mr. Laursen, Eagle Hotel, Carr Fork. HOWARD I PHELPS j- -v.. Floral and Confectionery Company I Flowers for Every Purpose Candy and Fountain Service j Fountain Lunches ! Clean and Up-to-Da- te ! 455 Main St. Bingham, Utah II Jph Eagle Hotel !! i; :' 4345-4- 7 Carr Fork, Bingham ii j OOOOOOOO ,;. 1 ' : j! Clean Modern Rooms !l oooooooo , First Class Board At Reasonable Prices j When you need a quiet place for a light lunch visit Scarce! & Fratello I Booths for Ladies and Gentlemen FINEST CANDIES BEST CIGARS 58 West Broadway Tel. 3046 Salt Lake City I t WHAT'S BEHIND THE j FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? j The extensive resources of the Federal Reserve i ' System are great enough to cope with any financial j - l situation. This fact was very effectively demonstrated dur- - s ing the business depression of the past two years. This Bank is proud, indeed, that it has the priv-- ilege to be a member of the Federal Reserve System , ' and associated with an institution that means so ! much in our national banking business. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L. S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong 1 st Vice Pres. C. E- - Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier I Patronize f THE EAGLE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET I t o tf ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS ' . t z o THE BEST OF CURED AND FRESH MEATS I ' X DID YOU BORROW THIS PAPER TO READ THE LOCAL NEWS IF SO QUIT, HAVE YOU NO IDEA YOUR NEIGH- - BOUR WILL ACCUSE YOU OF BEING A CHEAP-SKAT- E YOU OUGHT TO HEAR WHAT YOUR NEIGHBOR TOLD US RECENTLY ABOUT YOU. PHONE 91 and have it mailed to your home for $2.00 per year. The Women's Bank f JJT matrons who desire a household account a place to keep their money, we urge that they come to this bank where safety and accuracy are permanent. flWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to in-vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our pa-trons. The House of Quality Private Booths for Ladies "The Home of Good Steaks" STATE GAFE A. Pistolas, proprietor Phone Was. 5819 46 W. Broadway Salt Lake City t "I Got Real Mad When I Lost My Setting Hen," Mrs. Hannan. "I went into the hen house one morning and found my favorite setter dead. I got real mad. Went to the store, bought some RAT-SNA-P and in a week I got six dead rats. Every-bod-y who raises poultry should keep RAT-SNAP- ." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. The Central Bank of Bingham Bingham, Canyon, Utah For Tired Feet USE MOCCASINS Made of Genuine Elkhide, Horse-hid- e and Buckskin FUR TRIMMED Made by Alaskan and American Indians Price, per pair: $2.50, $2.75, $3.25 3.50. 3.75, $4.25, $4.50 $4.75 and $5.00 Moab Navajo Rug and Blanket Company 141 REGENT STREET SALT LAKE CITY I Say It Wilh I j Flowers j X Give us your orders for X all kinds of cut flowers, X X potted plants and ferns X X NEIL O'DONNELL X X Phone 17 X ; Eat at Croy's Cafe Where you get what you want when you want it Adjoining City Hall Main St. Lflfill MERCANTILE General Merchandise Fresh and Cured Meats Lark, Utah RATS DIE so do mice, once they eat RAT-SNA-And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it try a package.. Cats and dogs won't touch it Rats pass up all food to get RAT-SNA- Three sizes. 35c size 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 6Sc size 2 cakes for Chicken Mouse, coops or small buildings. $1.25 size 5 cakes enough for all farm and storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHA-M MERCANTILE CO. i Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 , Main Street j We Specialize J in Cakes and Pastry fresh every day j J and are prepared to serve you with : . any particular pastry if ordered f I a day ahead ! f OUR BREAD IS WELL-KNOW- N IN THIS CAMP AND I J HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST f ! STANDARD BREAD CO. I 536 Main St., Phone 187 I jI BINGHAM CANYON WALNUT CAFE UA Little Better Than Good Enough' Private Tables for Ladies 61 East Second South St. Sah Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 JACK'S PLact; G. M. Gregory, Prop. We Serve the Best of Everything Soft Drinks and Eats zmzzzzz Phone Wasatch 2881 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City lights this winter, our kind friends the County Commission-ers will have to get busy. Com-missioner Burgon promised them for this winter. Are his prom-ises like pie-cru- st made to be broken? We think not. That some girls don't inherit much good sense but they are blessed with good looks. ' That Uncle Sam always has money to help out a nation in distress. Did It Ever Occur to You That some people are fond of decorating their coat with fra-ternal - emblems, but somehow overlook the statements that are sent them monthly? That Jack Denipsey should be in a position to keep himself healthy counting his money. That a good-lookin- g wire is a valued asset to a man, but a good cooking wife means much more to that man. That when you eat your oys-ters on the half-she- ll at Croy's Cafe don't forget to look for the pearls they may contain. They say that love is blind in September. Those who have it can't see their finish. That these are trying-o- n times at Mrs. Parsons' for fall hats. That Firpo cannot yet be ac-cused of being a pugilistic has-bee- That some of the older folks enjoyed and appreciated the cir-cus just as much as the younger element. The "Homliest Wo-man on Earth" wouldn't even permit us to sit alongside her. That it is the rule that a knocker can always draw a big-ger audience than a booster. That one can't blame the devil for everything wrong that hap-pens. That tomatoes used to be called "love apples." Of course, they were fruit then. That preachers cannot preach Christianity and intolerance at the same time. That when we drove a buggy we didn't have to remember a thousand traffic laws. That vacations are mostly over with the exception of paying the bills. That the greatest misfortune of mankind is the party who is not in office could solve all prob- - lems without half the trouble. That the oldtimers who used to pet up their girl in a buggy think it's a crime for a erirl to be loved-u- p a little in a car. That prejudiced foreign critics don't speak well of our latest, sweetest, "Yes, We Have No" That if you really want what you have been crying for for years, we mean good water, get out and compel all your neigh-bors and friends to attend the election and vote for the best water that Bingham can possibly get. Boost between now and the day of election for GOOD WATER. Talk it over with your friends. That if Lark is to have any Chips and Shavings Around Bingham , (Continued from Page 1.) Pete Savich, 41 years of age, a native of Vrebac, Servia, and a resident of the United States for twenty years, died at the Holy Cross Hospital, at Salt Lake, on Tuesday. He was an employee of the New England mine and was respected in the Highland Boy district, where he resided. He is survived by his widow and eight children. Fu-neral services were held under the auspices of the local Serbian lodge at their hall on Friday. Interment was made in the Bing-ham Cemetery, under the direc-tion of the O'Donnell Undertak-ing Company. Mrs. Mona Jimpson, a much respected resident of Bingham and Salt Lake for the past fifty-tw- o years, died at the County Hospital on Monday. Mrs. Jimpson was born in Independ-ence, Ohio, in 1853. She is sur-vived by one daughter, Mrs. C. D. Haskin of Oroville, Calif., and two sons, Aaron Gauchet of Sandy, and Isadore Gauchet of Price. Funeral services will be held from the O'Donnell funeral chapel, Salt Lake City. Date to be announced later. Mrs. Jimp-son was a member of the local Eastern Star chapter and Mac-cab- ee lodge. Interment will be in the Bingham Cemetery in the family plot. |