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Show TELEGRAPHIC TALES FOR BUSYJEADERS A RESUME OF THE WEEK'S OOING3 IN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES Important Event of the Last Seven Days Reported by Wire and Prepared Pre-pared for the Benefit of the Busy Reader WESTERN A patrol will enter the canyon of the Colorado river Monday to search for the government exploration par. ty charting the Colorado river, whose unknown plight hud cast a wave of farm over Arizona. A boat mark-d mark-d as geological survey was seen floating down the river Sunday many miles from the point where the surrey sur-rey party was thought to be. An Inquiry from John Oliver, premier of British Columbia, why there should be such a disparity as there is between gasoline prices In the United States and those in Can-ftda Can-ftda was before Oil companies Saturday. Sat-urday. Reports say gasoline was being be-ing sold in Washington etate at 1C4 cents a gallon, and in Victoria at 31 cents. iSix masked men bound and gaggol O. W. Robinson, night watchman of the southern branch, University of California, and carried away a small iwfe containing $2288, collected by tudents for the students at tne Rtate university at Berkeley who had suf-fered suf-fered as a result of the fire there. The men, who nsed a truck to carry way the loot, also tried for halt an hour to make away with a larger safe containing approximately $3000, tut were unable to lift it through a doorway. Rain which fell generally through northern California, Friday night, delivered the state from the fire peril which during the last seven days lias done damages estimated at $15 000,-O00. 000,-O00. Embers of fires In eight coun-ties coun-ties of the state which threatened to break out once more In disastrous conflagrations were extinguished. Traffic on the main line of the San. te Fe railroad, tied up for some days by washouts was resumed Thursday. Rapid progress In repairing wus re-ported re-ported from llolbrook. Arizona. Approval Ap-proval of compensation grants of 13,000 acres of public lands to the States of Montana nnd Arizona, was announced Thursday by the interior department. The tracts replace regions re-gions lost by the states thru federal allotments to National forests and imilar projects. GENERAL Because it Is now Impossible to get enough German postage stamps on an envelope the German government govern-ment has given up the use of stamps. Officials of the postoffiee department depart-ment were notified Saturday that the cost of printing the stamps aim is greater than their face value nnd that letters conning from Germany hereafter will lxar only a cancellation cancella-tion Indicating the necessary postage has been pa Id. Fire of undetermined origin 'Satur. day wrecked the storage and packing plant of Swift & Company, In the heart of Birmingham's wholesale dflBtrict. The third and fourth floors were gutted and their contents consumed. The refirgvrator plant Is believed mined. Fines totaling $TS,3)0 were imposed im-posed Saturday ty Federal Judge Adam Cliffe at Chicago on twenty, one manufacturers and fifteen union men found guilty of violating the Kherman antitrust law by preventing the sale and Installation of mill work during the building boom of 1019 and 1020. Governor J. C. Walton, fighting to a finish In his crusade against th Ku Klux Klan In Oklahoma, carried his war into the citadel of the Invisible In-visible empire lYIday ami caused J Jewett, grand dragon of the realm, to be charged with riot In sanncctlon with alleged masked disorders and terror. The charge w-as preferred by County Attorney J. K. Wright himself him-self an admitted klansmnn. The British reply to Secretary Hughes' proposal for a reciprocal agreement on ship liquor and liquor smuggling was received ut the state department Wednesday and wng des-cribed des-cribed by officials as "In general not sympathetic to the proposals." The British government pl;m however, to present the question to the British Imperial conference which meets In I'ndon next nioa'h. Washington was sug'ete ut e . i nesday's Ia-ne ,,f Nations dis lesion of the opium problem as the I. est pla'-f to ho I ' I the proposed conference In the fight to he waed ugain-it opium ;ind nareotie drills. l iillln' to reach a settlement by IK'uot.iat ion, '.he y .hi; pin ..' . .n ha i instructed itS lejal ,!..,H !(! nt t . pp'pa-v Mist ;u-:(lfj- the Ivtv. Jict.) Sh p'.uild t::: ( in p,.i at r .:i f'T r- c a cry of ahout .!..'" .''' i to hae been overpaid ur'cr that rinn's war contracts. PERSONAL An Increase in the tariff duty on wheat as a means of assisting Wes-tern Wes-tern producers of that commodity was suggested Saturday by Representative Repre-sentative Anderson, Republican, Minnesota, who discussed the agricultural agri-cultural situation with President Coolidge at the White House. Mr. Anderson declined to talk about his conference with the executive, but said he would lay his proposal before be-fore the tariff commission. Clyde W. Warburton was appointed appoint-ed Saturday by Secretary Wallace as director of the newly created office of-fice of extension work of the department de-partment of agriculture, which co-ordlnates co-ordlnates all the extension activities now lielng carried on by the government. govern-ment. The government communist leaders, lead-ers, Helnrlch Brandler and Herr Tal-meyer, Tal-meyer, have arrived In Moscow and informed the Ruslans that the time for a revolution In Germany is ripe. They express themselves as confident confi-dent of their ability to obtain control within the German state, but need the help of the International prole, tariat against outside capitalistic enemies. Paul J. Ralney, noted explorer and big game hunter, died aboard the Brltlst ship Saxon, en route from Southhampton to Capetown, bla business busi-ness associates were Informed Wednesday Wed-nesday In radio messages from Ws sister, Mrs. Grace Rainey Rogers. Salas Barra.as, confessed slayer of Francisco Villa, who was sentenced to twenty years In the penitentiary was brought to Chihuahua, Mexico, under heavy guard by n large contingent con-tingent of soldiers. Thousands crowded crowd-ed about the station -to Bee him. He is to serve his sentence In prison in this city. Petitions with hundreds of signatures are being circulated In several states to obtain his pardon. Under the title "he was 'Just Folks,'" the late President Warren G. Harding will be commemorated in a compilation now in press on editorials editor-ials from American newspariers. The compiler. Cash Asher, a California newspaper man, has devoted approximately ap-proximately 100 editorials dealing with Harding's career and Ideals. John II. Bartlctt, first assistant postmaster general and former governor gov-ernor of New Hampshire, was taken to a hospital Monday because in Injuries he received when his automobile auto-mobile wus Btruck by a street car. Although he received a cut on the head, physicians who examined him said his Injuries did not appear serious, FOREIGN Members of the International mission mis-sion Investigating the assassination of General Tellinl and hfs suite are understood to be convinced that the Greeks are Innocent of the crime imputed im-puted to them by Italy. The report of their Investigation will be forwarded for-warded to the Interallied council of ambassadors. Chancellor Stresemann has summoned sum-moned the premiers of the federated states of Germany for a conference on the Ruhr situation, it was announced an-nounced Saturday. The conference Is expected t occur this week. It is booked upon In political circles as presaging early action on the issue of abandoning passive reslstence. An appeal to the League of Nations Na-tions to act on the reparation proh. lem was maxle by George Murray representative of the union ct South Africa International In on eloquent address to the assembly. The kingdom king-dom of the Hedjaz, otherwise Arabia, has applied for membership In the league. . state of war has been declared In Bulgaria by the government us a consequence of communistic riots, says a dispatch from Sofia. A slight earth tremor was felt Wednesday in many of the parishes on the east coast of England, but it was not noticed far Inland. A Vladivostok dispatch says the steamer Lenine, the first Russian relief re-lief vessel sent to aid the Japanese earthquake sufferers was expelled from Yokohama harbor by the Japan. ese authorities who also declined to! lermlt any of the soviet relief work- j cm to land. j Twelve persons were killed and ' nyiny wounded at Sorau, province of i Brandenburg, on Saturday, when po. j lice reinforcement' who had been j called to the town because of food j demonstrators fired Into a crowd In i the market place. i Negotiations were In progress be. tween Spain and England to ex- j change Spanish Morocco for Gibralter j when the Spanisli military revolution ; took pine,, according to a report from Madrid. The dancer to the peace of Etinpp from tlie ltalnn occupation of Corfu ended Thursday uhn. n f ir another anoth-er diff'euH session the ambassador's eoiiin.il faille to a fall a. Toemenl. ! ; i ' finally (onseti'ed to evacuate I ,.;t l before the ( nd of September. It Is under.st od they are to h a , the M.il'd ScptetnlN r -7 Tc.e I e r.'liatl V. it ; t , ,. A A :. isi-l Tiles 'ay by t ae e , Hi , . n v'. .: a r'atcl. II is ' . .' t ;,at ' ' a rlati'l f.ur'd ;. f., r.ot . a 1 .e. ;:. ay ta.i hi 1 ,i I t ,, i il. ,1 war |