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Show pMtM HHltl"' Western Brevities j t from the Many 1 I Western States 4 Syracuse, Utah, Loss of $100,000 by fire was suffered ty the Syracuse canning company. The plant was at the height of the mnnlng season and thousands of cases of peas and tomatoes were destroyed in the blaze. i Denver, Colo.. Mrs. J. Foster Symes. wife of Federal Judg-e Symes, was held up on the Golden road west of here by a lwindlt who relieved her of her automobile and jewelry and forced her from the car near the Hnyden ranch. San Francisco, San Francisco's memorial to the late President Hard-ins Hard-ins will be ' a new municipal golf course at Slerceil lake and clubhouse, club-house, yet to be built, at a cost of $100,000. Berkeley Oal., A human skull and a tielt button were found in the ruins of a home, Cedar street, according accord-ing to a police announcement. Deputy Dep-uty Coroner Frank IJerg is Invest!-gating. Invest!-gating. San Francisco, FJre in the snow-sheds snow-sheds along the Southern Tacific railroad in the high Sierras for a time completely halted traffic on the main line east of that railroad. Martinez, Calif., A boiler explo. sion alwiard the Associated Oil company's com-pany's tanker, William F. Herin, injured in-jured four men and set fire to the ship. Mimdan, N. D., Four sons of Mr. and Sirs. Johan Axt, living near 51c. Cluskey, N. D were killed and two others and the parents were Injured when a Northern Pacific train struck their automobile at a grade crossing. Ogden, Utah William M. Mclntye, 04, employee of the county at the gravel pit at Pleasant View, was seriously ser-iously Injured when he was caught by a delayed blast. Seattle, Wash., Capt. John W. Rumsey, commander of the Loyal Legion of the state of Washington and a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, is dead at his hqme here. He was 85 years old. Snlt Lake City. A course of study in Home Economics is announced from the U. of U. Prof. Rose H. Widstpe will have charge of the new department Baker, Ore. Fatally injured when an automobile behind which she was walking backed unexpectedly on n steep hill, Mrs. J. W. Duly, 53 years of age, died here. Denver, Colo. The county grand Jury, now In session 'as Instructed by Judge G. F. Dunklee, presiding to Investigate the recent failures of the Hiliernia Bank & Trust company and the Interstate Trust company. Baker, Ore. Japanese of tNIs section sec-tion have subscribed n total of ?!HV1 t be sent to their suffering country, men. The money was raised In three days. Ixs Angeles. Ethel Williams, a cabaret singer, 23 years of age, was found stabbed to death in her room In a lodging house here. Pocatello, John Howell, a claim airent for the Short Line and a Japanese Japan-ese section foreman were injured when a motor car on which they were riding Jumped the track at Portneuf. Nogales, Ariz., The city of Parral, Mex., was inundated and more than 100 families were rendered homeless as the result of terrific rains which flooded the city. Idaho Falls. Ida., Two patients escaped from the Blackfoot asylum and one of the men, Dr. Culver, was found in Idaho Falls. Prescott Ariz. Rivers and streams of n large part of north central Arizona Ari-zona were on a rampage, followDa heavy rains, and caused damage to highways nnd washed out numerous bridges. j Ogden, Utah Imrlnz the ten-day i hunt In the Caribou forest In Idaho recently thirteen gray Umber wolves were killed, according to the report received here. Los Angeles, The navy department depart-ment has awarded a contract for salvaging sal-vaging the t. S. S. Chnuneey, the only one ef seven wrecked destroyers deemed worth refloating to Snn Francisco Interests. Denver, Colo. Flood warnings to the residents of the Pecos IMver vnl. ley In southwestern Texas were sent out by the government forecaster here following heavy storms this weelc, Denver, Colo., Two men are deal anil two are Buffer ng from serious wounds us a result (,f d'sarde s attendant, at-tendant, upon Mi slean Independence day celebrations in Colorado and New Mexico. Oakland. Calif.--Two men arreted here In connection t!i alb-iied unto m.!,i!,. theft ;, w.m-u found to have in their po.i-oss,,it empty money ba-s i earing tin stamp of (lie Denver mint Mid an Oal, hind LiinU robbntj n-cont 1 v. |