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Show Engineer Reveals the Real Facts About Case "Since taking Tanlac I enjoy eating like I hadn't been able to do In years, and hnve also gained thirteen pounds In weight," said Frank M. Moore, 1204 Water St, Pueblo, Colorado, well-known well-known retired locomotive engineer. "For five years or more I had indigestion indi-gestion so bad I couldn't eat anything without having , sharp pains In ray stomach and around my heart and smothering spells when It seemed as if I wouldn't be tola to get my breath at all. I suffered from constipation, couldn't sleep well, and felt so tired and worn out I was despondent and had very little Interest in anything. Well, my nerves are as steady now as they were twenty years ago, and I sleep like a baby and feel cheerful all the time. My appetite is fine and I eat anything I want without suffering afterwards. I took the Tanlac Vegetable Vege-table Tills along with Tanlac, and I never hesitate to recommend the two to anyone suffering from stomach trouble and constipation. v They're great" Tanlac is for sole by all good druggists. drug-gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for constipation. For sal everywhere, |