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Show News Notes From Lark "Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fahrni and daughter, Maxine, were the guests of Mrs. George Woodhead at Salt Lake City , on Wednesday. Wednes-day. , Mr. and Mrs. Atha Lee of Bingham spent Sunday here with , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hatt. i Mrs. Dorus Thomas, Mrs. A. P. Hemmingsen and daughter, Mary Frances, motored to Salt Lake on Monday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Penpraze and family were Salt Lake visitors visi-tors the past week. Mrs. Leo Slater returned to Lark this week after spending several days at Magna and Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Morrison of Rock Springs, Wyo., returned to their home the past week after spending a pleasing vacation vaca-tion with Mrs. Morrison's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Peterson. Peter-son. Mrs. Morrison was formerly former-ly Mrs. Joe Hackett. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nell and son, Kenneth, motored to Salt Lake on Friday and attended a party at the home of Mr. and M rs. Tnft Yonncr . j o ,- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bodell have moved to Lark and will spend the winter months here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christensen and family of Rock Springs, Wyoming, Wy-oming, who have been visiting' here, returned to their home on . Saturday. The Misses Vera Nordberg and Louetta Hatt of Salt Lake visited vis-ited with-their parents during -the ; week-end.' Miss Alta MeTrill of Bluffdale visited with Mr. and Mrs; Chester. Ches-ter. Bodell a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Herringer, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Gardiner of Salt . Lake were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herringer -of the Lark Hotel the past week. A dance was given in the club rooms on Wednesday evening, witlj a number of people from out of town attending. Music . wais furnished by a Salt Lake, band.' Mrs. R. P. Nell was a business visitor to Salt Lake on Tuesday. ' |