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Show A Healthy Climate "You must go to the healthiest neighborhood you can find," said the eminent specialist to Mr. Forsythe. "And when you got there you must stay there for six months and have a thoroughly good rest." In duo course Mr. Forsythe arrived at the seaside town he had selected and Inquired of one of the old Inhabitants Inhab-itants it it was a really healthy neighborhood. "Well, you see me," said thn old man. who was a fine specimen of health and vl;;or, "when I came here I couldn't walk across the room nnd I hadn't the strength to utter a single word. I bad scarcely a lialr on my head and I had to be lifted on nnd off the bed." "Ah, you give me hope," said ths Invalid. How long have you been here?" "I was bora Sere," was the raplr |