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Show ORIGIN OF GOLD NUGGETS United States Geologist Says Finding of Huge Pebbles Does Not Indicate Indi-cate Large Vein. In a rugged, out-of-the-way region on the ocean side of the Const ranges, In Monterey county, California, gold nuggets hnve been found of such size ns to suggest that this was once a favorite retreat of the proverbial goose that laid the golden eggs. Mnt-ter-of-fuct prospectors, however, hnve sought to find the veins from which such mnsses of gold, loosened by the weather, were washed Into the stream beds. Their search has not been sue-cesf.ful, sue-cesf.ful, and J. M. Hill, a United States geologist of the Department of the Interior. In-terior. In a report Just published, suggests sug-gests that the nuggets came from rich superficial pockets In very small veins, and that no large and rich deposits are likely to be found by deep mining. The Const ranges of Culifomln. unlike the Sierra Nevada, arc not rich In gold, and the occurrence of these large nuggets nug-gets does not necessarily Indicate the existence of a rich deposit of gold ore. |