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Show ' 't Y ' , , 7.! ' LY- - :7:,. V.:'. ' . THE BINGHAM NEWS ' "" ' " ' ? .f n AW,-WHAT'-S THE USE " ByL.r.v.nw But Still He Was in a Hurry . , , C Warn NcwfC" U - " ' rlC 111 !WQWWEMSAKE, WHAT'S MORS-I- M HE U5 6 LOOUX'T WERE, MCB.FEATMEBHEAD,-- Mr JOBS AND , yF--i can r let U-i-g. ice pavin" the bills of tus mouse &voua in a wuww lb get --ra 1 ' V-IC-N HEN I'M UP JOB IS BUNNlNS IT IM VERY BUSY ' "tC OFFICE Q, To 1HE--2 ' at Tme Top op Tub This morning getting Some papecs ' - , , l , fy - MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL frSgftfc TownGoss &YjS& SS5 - fr-- waicOC MIC ?0n6 PECOt "TrttWGS ABOUT "W EAST, ' Govl wr, SEX. uow Vjowt M. M f MEW V0WC U6 SV0C ' , NtCeS$A.V, UC PIMOS HE OVUES ASoOt A? KAVivy . NPHv VOU CAM EE tH OOWO OM U' OEtt , WOO-CA- U . v POtK4 AS HE OOEuV CWE. SO WE'Ut COVAE CATT jfeS-- ifS"" 3fef aXIOT) ' M6S " 90AE tE " 1 VVn ' 1 4 Our Pet Peeve J His Two Great Favorites (Copyrifht. W. W. 0.) ' PERCY L.CROSBY L X J fif LOST. Dr. Quack had a great many more pa-tients JaMt ycai than I have this. I wonder wher they have gon to?Mr. Com-forter Well, all we can do, Doc-tor, Is to hope far the best. 5 RADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS-- - SLBagL, '71 fOLVi VJISHEt? JOB ON AE I IMl WAIT A MINUTE II THE NEXT HALF HOUR. V,ttL J VJH6N SME M6 TO CARRY 7 (If V POPl ou'RB BE 6,VEN J HEALTH TALK, 4 fe) fclfe ill HIS 5IISTAKE. Vlfey: Before we were married you told me thai I should never want for any thin. Hubby: Th ehowa how little 1 j knew of you tho |