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Show 1 - '. ... ... . .. THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH .. : ... .. vSA) .. words with deeds that are worth while, he is always worthy of consideration. There is no an-swer to silence, it has a power all its own. ,, men of our day who have accom-plished things have been those who did not talk unless they had something to say. That was the reason they could always de-mand an audience when they had something to say. When their enemies got them to talk, to fight back when accusations were made, their enemies chuckled. But often silence was maintained which baffled their enemies. The man of silence has the advantage over one with too many words. His familiarity does not. breed contempt; he wastes no words.-I- f you engage in conversation with him, his silence forces you to talk, and thus he explores the depths of your personality, if there are such. Do you know men in this town that talk too much? They bore one with their talk and are a pest to the com-munity. They do not have much of a following. Most of his force lies in his lung power; he talks so much that people know what he is going to say next. But the man of silence, the man who talks only when he has some-thing' to say, and backs his few SILENCE Miss Kathleen Kaye of the 'Heartatorium" of the Salt Lake Telegram, gave us some food for thought in her article on Bing-ham which was published in our last issue. Miss Kaye admits I that "Silence is golden," altho f we much regret the necessity of i ' her silence. There is a power in silence. The great men and wo-- i - ed. We have been advised that such is not the case. The "Aces of Harmony" are still in business and are capable of furnishing the best dance, music procurable in this vicinity. Advt. ' j SAVAS BROTHERS f I & JIM KOROBAS I 4, Wholesale & Retail Greengrocers !: " FRUITS & VEGETABLES OfAll Kinds DAILY 1 : We deliver anywhere any time !: - i z :l Phone 293 BINGHAM 4, Main Street ; t t ACES OF HARMONY STILL IN BUSINESS On account of a misunder-standing a report has been cir-culated to the effect that the popular orchestra known as the "Aces of Harmony" had disband- - VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER "The Farmer's Worst Enemy Rats. The Farmer's Best Friend-- Rat-Snap- ." These are the words of James Bax-ter, N. J.: "Ever since I tried RAT-SNA- P I have always kept it in the house. Never fails. Used about $3.00 worth of RAT-SNA- P a year and fig-ure it saves me $300 in chicks, eggs an feed. RAT-SNA- P is convenient; just break up cake, no mixing with other food." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. j THE OUTLET CLOTHING STORE I " 1 X ' - I! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT fXx X , X i; Clothing; Gents Furnishings, Shoes and I X Hats at Popular Prices t " Xx . . . XX TTX T i: H. WEISBERG, Prop., 505 Main Street, Bingham " X " X " Xx RAT-SNA- P KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. One package proves this. RAT-SNA- P comes in cakes no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. 35c size 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.25 size 5 cakes enough for all farm and storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. DON'T ASK YOUR NEIGH-BOR FOR THE LOAN OF THIS PAPER WHEN YOU CAN RECEIVE IT 52 WEEKS FOR THE SMALL SUM OF $2.00. SEND IN YOUR SUB-SCRIPTION NOW. 0(im 'Nj 231 DOESN'TLOOK IT &rr, I You cant alwRys judge a ? Q"7 I Jrf by its cover and you rJjf - IbiXJk may think tliat coal 3 clean . . - j Yfv without dcst or slag tVof ' ' wnen vou buy it but the "7 f j!n burning tells the tale. Our lil v2NJIi KflMu high rade Liberty or Utah ilMfifllaviJj uel coal is wel1 screene(1 and lrT tl"!" cleaned, and burns with a . -, a. j WJf brightness and heat that will cook and heat when wanted, ..XL. s when you buy it at the Citi-- len's. Citizens Coal and Supply Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah TOWN OFFICIALS OF BING-HA-CANYON Dr. F. E. Straup, President. Boyd J. Barnard, Treasurer F. W. Quinn, Clerk. Board Members, Boyd J. Bar nard, Dan Fitzgerald, R. II. Ken-oe- r, J. A. Wright Town Marshal, W. F. Thomp-son. Night Patrolmen, John Mitch e!l and Thomas Mayne. Water Master, Wm. Robbins. Health Officer, II. N. Stand-is- h. KILLS RATS and mice that's RAT-SNA- P, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 35c size 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.25 sue 5 cakes enough for all farm and s, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. 1 DURING OCTOBER ONLY $2 DOWN I j; . AND $2 A WEEK I jj gives you a marvelous 1 MEADOW LARK ELECTRIC WASIIEK 1 i g f These special terms make it easier and more economical 1 to buy a Meadow Lark. It actually costs you less than 1 to do your washing in any other way whatever, or to 1 have it done. I ! The Meadow Lark is completely enclosed no moving parts exposed. The wringer is removable, leaving a 1 I splendid kitchen table for your use, for the Meadow 1 Lark is flat on top. It washes your clothes thoroughly, 1 j efficiently and grently no danger for the finest fabric 1 in the Meadow Lark. 1 1 It costs less than 2c an hour to operate an electric 1 washer. I FREE 1 Wit hevery Meadow Lark purchased during this spe- - I cial sale we will give you two sets of metal tub stands 1 i very convenient to use. ' 1 Come in now and let us tell you more about the Meadow 1 Lark ! ' OjficimlTubUc Service 1 THE BINGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY COMPANY Operates through Package Car Service, in connection with the Union Pacific system between Salt Lake City and Bingham. For convenience of its patrons heated refriger-ator cars are operated in this service, semi-weekl- y, for the protection of perishable freight when weather conditions warrant. II. W. STOUTENBOPwOUGH. A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah 1 nsm4 inStateFairHistorj Q Trotting Uats. jockey races, fan and furious wlays-w- lll maks up th dalIy card of speed events on the . dirt course at the Utah State Fall, October 1 to 6. The fastest entries from a half-doze- lntermountaln states are lined up for the big cash prises. Thrilling Flying Circus, exciting m ut0 Polo, spectacular fireworks J are other features for dally appear ance. i Declare yourself a holiday com aV Utah's greatest Fair. 'Man O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 1 7 NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 NOTICE! Did you ever buy a guaranteed used car? All our Studebaker used cars are guaranteed for 30 days. We have a variety of excellent cars Prices right-Te- rms right. We fit your pocket-boo- k. Big 6 Studebaker 7 passenger. Special 6 StudeboJier 5 passenger. . Nash Touring 5 and 7 passenger. Nash Roadster. Buick Touring cars. Name the car We have it. Our salesmen will be in this city every Monday and Friday. Headquarters GROVEU'S GARAGE, 128 Main Street. T. 'W. Naylor Co., Studebaker Distributors 175 East 2nd South 118 South State Street Phone Was. 3251 rhone Was. 12CG SALT LAKE CITY Open evenings 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 5. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Buy Canned Vegetables Now Peas - $3.00 per case Corn - $3.00 per case String Beans $5.72 per case Tomotoes $2.75 per case Wells Groceteria The Bingham News Entered a second-clas- s matter lit the postoffice at Bingham Canyon, Utah, tinder the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. ' Price $2.00 per year, In advance I A Weekly Newspaper devoted is exclusively to the .interests of I the Bingham District and its people. 5 Published every Saturday ' at'" Bingham Canyon, Utah George Reynolds, Editor and Publisher i' Bourgard Building, Main St. Bingham Phone 91 COPPER LEAGUE Leading batters at the close of the season: G. AB.il. PC. Grant 2 6 4 .750 Dowdle 20 57 29 .508 Irvine 4 6 3 .500 A. Boberg 11 37 17 .459 Ledingham 7 27 12 .444 Whitely 19 78 34 ,437 Glynn 7 19 8 .421 Chiara 6 19 7 .367 Stillman 7 22 8 .363 Pitchers stand as, follows: W. L. r.lvnn 9 1 Grant 1 0 Irvine 1 0 A. Boberg 1 4 Dunn 4 4 Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pezzo-pan- e and family extend their heart - felt appreciation and thanks for the many beautiful floral tributes and all kindnesses extended them in the death and burial of their little son and brother, John Thomas Pezzo-pan-e. Bingham, Utah, September 25, 1923. NOTICE! The Civic Club of Bingham desires that the names of all school children who planted gar-dens and looked after them dur-ing the summer months be hand-ed in to their teachers at the local schools. Editorial NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION j MEMBER No. 1855 CHURCH NOTICES Holy Rosary Church, Bingham Sunday Masses: Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Copperfield Second and fourth Sundays, 9:00 a. m. Highland Boy Third Sunday, 9:00 a. m. Sunday School after Mass. Rev. John Ryan, C. S. C, Pastor. L. D. S. Church Evening service on Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Sunday-schoo- l, 10:30 a. m. Primary, Monday afternoons at 3:30. Priesthood meeting on Monday evenings at 7:00 p. m. Relief Society meets on Tues-day afternoons at 2:00. Everybody cordially invited to attend. |