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Show Copperfield Brevities Miss Mabel Neprud and Miss Bessie Call of the Copperfield school spent last week-end in Salt Lake. ' Miss Edna Borg of Richfield is visiting here with her sister, Miss Edith Borg. Miss Mona Caddy of Park Valley, Idaho, has been 'the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Do-man Do-man the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McDonald are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, born Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hatch and family of Bountiful spent last week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grant. Mrs. II. B. Aven spent Wednesday Wed-nesday and Thursday with friends in Salt Lake. Mrs. Mary 'Butler and Mrs. James McDonald entertained on Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheatley, who were recently married. Music Mu-sic for dancing was furnished by the local orchestra. Luncheon Lunch-eon was served to fifty guests. The young couple were the recipients re-cipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. They will make their future home in Copper- field. Sherman Doman, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Doman the past month, left Thursday to visit his brother, broth-er, Lloyd, in Concrete, Colo., before returning to his home in Gibson City, 111. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. Doidge'and son, Billy, of Park' City, spent last week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen. Mrs. J. H. Mann was a Salt Lake visitor Tuesday. A meeting was held in the schoolhouse Friday evening of last week for the purpose of reorganizing re-organizing the Copperfield Community Com-munity Club. The officers elected elect-ed were: President, J. II. Col-yar; Col-yar; vice-president, Miss Neprud; Ne-prud; secretary, Miss Call; treasurer, John Knudsen. ' Arrangements Ar-rangements are being made for a social evening to be held nexj Friday evening, October 7.th. The general public is invited to attend. Among the Copperfield folks who attended the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey circus in Salt Lake, Friday, were -Mr. and. Mrs. E. Byrne.. Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne, Mr, and Mrs. V. Steele, Mr. an'd Mrs. John Knudsen, Knud-sen, Mr..' and Mrs. M. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. James and George McDonald, Mc-Donald, Mr. and . Mrs." C. II. Pierce, Mrs. W.. Atkinson, Mrs. F. Drennan, ' Mrs. Guy .McNab and Mrs. J. Denver. Miss Edith Brough, Miss M. Anderson and Cairns Anderson of .Riverton visited the former's cousin, Mrs. M. McDonald, here Sunday. Mrs. E. Beck, Mrs. A. Marquis, Mar-quis, Miss Marie Pope "and Ily Bullock motored to Salt Lake City Wednesday and attended "Spices" at the Salt Lake Theatre. Thea-tre. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helium of Salt Lake were the guests of Mrs. Mary Butler last week-end. Mrs. C. Bullock entertained Saturday .evening in honor ol the twenty-first birthday anniversary of her brother, Tom. Games and music was enjoyed, after which luncheon was served to twenty guests. |