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Show SURGEONS FIND GLOVE IN PATIENT Sponge Also Removed From Man's Bladder After Second Sec-ond Operation. TO SUE FOR DAMAGES Salem, Ore. Local physicians, operating oper-ating upon Jerry Wyant, linotype expert, ex-pert, here, removed a rubber glove that had been incused In the patient's bladder for 22 months. According to Dr. VV. II. Byrd, one of the attending physicians, Wyant underwent a previous operation for the removal of gull stones at San Francisco 22 months ago. Three months lahT he suffered from Intense pains and It was necessary to perform another operation, on this occasion Die Sun Francisco physicians removed from his bladder a sponge. Whether Proved to Be the Glove. the glove was left In the bludder at the time of performing the first or second operation has not been, determined, according ac-cording to the physicians who performed per-formed the latest surgical feat. Soon after his second ojeratIon Mr. Wyant came to Salem to visit with his brother-in-law, J. L. Vibbert, 1120 South Commercial street. His heulth improved and he later returned to Sun Francisco. Eurly this summer Wyant ngnln suffered severe piilns, and Mrs. Wyant insisted that her husband come to Salem' Sa-lem' and undergo another operation. He consented, and has been here for several weeks. A few days ago the doctors conducted conduct-ed an X-ray examination, with the result re-sult that the plate showed a few small call stones nd a black substance. An Immediate operation was advised by the physicians. The black substance proved to be the glove. Three surgeons, a surgical nurse and another nurse were ln attendance at the operation. The glove, upon being be-ing taken from Wyant'a body, was placed In a Jar and sealed. It was said that the glove may be used as an exhibit ex-hibit in damage suit against the three California physicians who performed per-formed the previous operations upon the patient. Physicians said Wyant will recover. Mr. Wyant Is one of the best known linotype experts on the Pacific coast and has worked ln Portland, Seattle and San Francisco. Mrs. Wyant said that her husband probably will return to San Francisco as soon as he is able to leave the hospital. |