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Show Bingham Society At the regular meeting of the Kiwanis Club, held last week in Smith's Hall, Judge Dudley gave a very instructive talk on the Constitution of the United States and its application to our every day ' life. Mrs. Ciive Siddoway diarrningly rendered the following follow-ing solos : "The Flag Without a Stain" and "Somewhere a Voice Is Calling." The main talk of the evening was delivered by State Fish and Game Commissioner Dave Mad-sen. Mad-sen. Not only did the speaker give an interesting talk on -the hunting in Utah, but he prefaced his talk by illustrating the value of outdoor life in the history of the United States. The talk was one of the most interesting heard in. Bingham in a long time. Every member present certainly enjoyed the treat and were educated edu-cated on a useful subject at the same time. . - Mrs. Margaret Waldis spent Tuesday evening in Salt Lake. The Emanon Club met with Miss Caroline Rasmussen Tuesday Tues-day night at her home in the Chandler Apartments. Five Hundred Hun-dred was played. First prize went to Mrs. C. D. Able ; consolation conso-lation to Mrs. Lars W. Nielsen. Luncheon was served at a late hour to Mrs. C. D. Able, Miss Ruth Bourgard, Mrs. Eugene Morris, Mrs. R. T. Dahlquist, Mrs. Lars W. Nielsen,-Mrs; Leo Tietjen, Mrs. Will Trevarthen, Mrs. Lee Jones and Miss .Rasmussen. .Ras-mussen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones and son, Calvin, were Salt Lake visitors visi-tors Sunday. " Mrs. Will Myers is in Salt Lake at Me bedside of little Billy, who was operated on for appendicitis last week. Mrs. Dave Lyon and sons, Reed and Richards, are spending a month in Salt Lake. Mrs. Joe Gerrans-, Mrs. Fred Turner, Jr., and small daughter, Virginia, are spending the latter part of the week in Salt Lake. Mrs. Fred Turner, .Miss Ro-wena Ro-wena Turner were Salt Lake visitors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. G. Frazier was hostess to the G. G. G. G. Club Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. Five Hundred was.the feature of the afternoon. Mrs. George Bolman won the first prize and Mrs. Gene Chandler Chan-dler the consolation. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Boyd Barnard, Barn-ard, Mrs. C. D. Able, Mrs. Eugene Eu-gene Chandler, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. J. T. Flynn, Mrs. Louis. Buckman, Mrs. J. E. Brecken, Mrs. Art Maly, Mrs. W. S. Jones, Mrs. A. C. Cole, Mrs. Joe Cotter, Mrs. George Bolman and Mrs. J. A. Wade.. Mrs. Joe Kemp was a Lark visitor Thursday evening. The many friends of Mis. Lei-ser Lei-ser will be pleased to know that she is slightly improved. Mrs. Orange Baker spent Wednesday Wed-nesday in Salt Lake. The Kiwanis Club program was in charge of Prin. Lars W. Nielsen, Thursday night. Supt. of Schools D. C. Jensen spoke. Miss Anita Roberts, in charge of oral expression at the high school, read, and Mus. James II. West, in charge of the music, gave two violin solos. Miss Leah Trazer of Salt Lake was the guest of Mis. Madaline Waldis the latter part of the week. Miss Virginia Eberly entertained enter-tained her brother, Mr. Lawrence Eberly of West Jordan, last week-end. Mrs. Caroline Jleubner, mother moth-er of Mrs. Any Anderson of Markham, left for her home at Eureka, Nevada, on Tuesday. Mrs. M. Martinoy and children and Miss Gertrude Mayer of Salt Lake Citv were the guests .,f Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mayer the last week. . Mr. and Mrs. T.en Shaw are rejoicing over the arrival of a babv girl at the Edwards Apartments Apart-ments at Carr Fork, on Monday. Mrs. J. (). Adams visiter! her son, Zane Adams, at the H"1y Cross Hospital at Salt Lake City ml i- .I.. 1 this week. Mr. Adams is slowly recovering from injuries received in an auto accident early in the summer. Miss LaRee Deakin became the bride of Guy C. Berkstrom at Salt Lake City on Tuesday. Mrs. Berkstrom is one of Bingham's popular young ladies and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deakin, and Mr. Bergstrom is a likeable young man from Mount! Pleasant. Their . many friends extend congratulations. Miss Beulah Copenhaver, the! pleasing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Copenhaver, became the bride of William R. Jenkins of Midvale on Wednesday. The young, couple will make their future home in Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ellis of Salt Lake were the guests of Mrs. Rose Gust on Monday. Miss Zella Ward, one of Bingham's Bing-ham's popular young misses, is attending school at Tacotna, Washington. Miss Ward is the daughter 'of Mrs. Charles Abel. Mrs. Thomas Bird of Moulton, Idaho, and daughter, Helen, are recent arrivals here and intend spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Al Mellon of the) Wells Apartments' spent the week-end in Salt Lake. , j |