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Show & HIPS AND SHAVINGS : AROUND BISGHAM ; - ' The many friends of Mrs. Kate ' Ford," letter known as "Mother" ! Ford, will learn , with regret that she "fell the past week in Ingle-n Ingle-n --wood, California, and fractured her right hip. She is now at the .Methodist Hospital, Twenty-' Twenty-' - ' -eighth street, Los Angeles,. Cali- I fornia. She no doubt would ap-y ap-y ' - preciate a few lines of comfort ,'' ' . from her friends here while she " " is being confined there. ' , ' '" Howard Lee, formerly connect- V x". ed with the Kirkendall Under- i" I . taking Company of Ogden, ar- . , fc lived in camp on Tuesday and h ' "will take charge of the O'Donnell :-. ' Undertaking Parlors here. Neil S ' O'Donnell, who has won a num- L 1 Iber 'of friends since he has been I : . . ' in charge of the parlors here, has , een compelled to move td Salt i 'Lake to assist his brother John IS' -with his rapidly growing busi- L ', f" ' Tfless there. Mr. Lee comes here ! - , ' yith the best recommendations possible and will no doubt in the t .;near future have the well wishes f- '. of the xommumty. . , - Under the auspices of the Utah Copper mine safety committee, a . 1 feature iilm, "Copper Mining," 1V ' . showing the operations, at the Utah Copper mine . and mills, ; ' -will be shown free for all the " Bingham school children at the Princess. Theatre on Monday . next, October 1st, at 2 o'clock "' ' p. m. On the evening of the - ' same date the public are cor dially invited to attend a safety v - rally and to view these popular S; . . 1 pictures, which should interest ; every man and woman in this greatest copper camp. Be sure ', - and come to the Princess Thea- t.V-1 tre-on -.Monday, at 8:0O p. m., 4 and enjoy this, iree treat. .;- Dwain Edward Draper died at the home of his parents, at 73 ."" ' Carr Fork, on Tuesday morning. iy . The little fellow was born on L January 26, 1922. Funeral ser- .. vices were "held in Provo on - , Thursday, with interment in the . Provo Cemetery. V , Harry R. Jacobs, a former res- r ident of Bingham, died at Salt " , (' Lake City on Sunday last. He i - was 64 years of age and sorfe ij.v few years ago married Miss Elizabeth Bellis, who was dea-1 dea-1 . ' coness at the Methodist Church I at Lark. Mr. Jacobs was an em- ployee of the Utah Copper Com-. Com-. pany here for a number of years . ' and was an influential member ' t ' of the local M. E. Church. He 'is survived by his widow and two brothers, W. E. Jacobs of Salt Lake and Louis S. Jacobs of New York City. ' John Economie of Highland Boy was fined in Judge E. E. Dudley Is court on Weduesday , the sum of $150.00 for having ' - .intoxicating liquor in his pos session. A continuation of the preliminary prelim-inary hearing in the case of the s; State against Margarito Ponse, t 'charged with murder in the first degree for the killing of Catarino I Martinez at Highland Boy on ' ' July 21, was conducted before ! - Judge E. E. Dudley on Wednes-j: Wednes-j: day. The court took the matter i nder advisement for one. week. Ponse was on the stand for about two hours and pleaded , self-defense. In-support of his I I plea a number of witnesses of I . repute in the district testified I that Ponse tried to get away ' from Martinez, but Martinez con-j con-j tiiuied to abuse him. Martinez i I had the reputation of being a 1 "knife man" and had served a ,t penitentiary term in his native land for "knifing" a man in that . country. (CoiilinuSI tirTpiTirif S) Chips and Shavings Around Bingham , (Continued from Page 1.) Pete Savich, 41 years of age, a native of Vrebac, Servia, and a resident of the United States for twenty years, died at the Holy Cross Hospital, at Salt Lake, on Tuesday. He was an employee of the New England mine and was respected in the Highland Boy district, where he resided. He is survived by his widow and eight children. Funeral Fu-neral services were held under I the auspices of the local Serbian lodge at their hall on Friday. Interment was made in the Bingham Bing-ham Cemetery, under the direction direc-tion of the O'Donnell Undertaking Undertak-ing Company. Mrs. Mona Jimpson, a much respected resident of Bingham and Salt Lake for the past fifty-two fifty-two years, died at the County Hospital on Monday. Mrs. Jimpson was born in Independence, Independ-ence, Ohio, in 1853. She is survived sur-vived by one daughter, Mrs. C. D. Haskin of Oroville, Calif., and two sons, Aaron Gauchet of Sandy, and Isadore Gauchet of Price. Funeral services will be held from the O'Donnell funeral chapel, Salt Lake City. Date to be announced later. Mrs. Jimpson Jimp-son was a member of the local Eastern Star chapter and Mac-cabee Mac-cabee lodge. Interment will be in the Bingham Cemetery in the family plot. |