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Show I ' H A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. j Bianchard, ot Nashville, Tenn., tells how I she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain- I ful and irregular periods by the use of I Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound " Deati Mns Pjnkiiam : Gratitude compels mo to acknowledge the groat merit of yotif Vcffetablo Compound. 1 havo suffered for four years with Irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back and lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded tho time to como which would only mean suffering to mo. "Bettor health is all I wanted, and euro if possible. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vcgctablo Compound brought mo health and happiness in a few short months. I feel liko another person now. Jly aches and pains have left me. life seems now and sweet to mo, and everything seems pleasant and easy. "Six bottles brought mo health, and wa8 worth moro thaa months under tho doctor's care, which really did not benefit mo at all. I am sat- isiicd Uiero is no mediemo so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help." Mrs. B. A. Blanciiaud, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tenn. I When Women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua- tion, weakness, loucorrheca, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of tho ovaries, backache, bloating (or H flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset I jkk with such symptoms as dizziness, falntness, las H WrfsfiftffVassssasssa. Bu excitability, irritability, nervousness, I BWHfiJBB sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" and M EKkPhEKL "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and assssP'assssBsBsfi hopelessness, they should remember there is one H HV f tried and true remedy. Lydia 12. Pinkbain'S U: Mk.. rin PH Vegetable Compound at once removes such Wm mvl 4 br troubles. Rofuso to buy any other medicine, for I .A y A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured I W J" "Dear Mns. Pinkham: I have been wflVflVVBaCwVV--. cured of severe female troubles by ilVMk ("7 1 l tae use ydia E Plnkbam'a fBWr y f I) p Vegetable Compound. I was yNXV! JJ nearly ready to give up, but seeing V s yourndvertlsement I purchased one bottle of your medicine, ana it did mo so much good that I purchased another, and tho result was so satisfactory that 1 bought six moro bottles, and am now feeling liko a now woman I shall H nover bo without it I nopo that my testimonial will convinco women H that your Vegetable Compound is tho greatest medicino in tho world H for falling of tho womb or any other female complaints' Mns. Ms? Cody, 2000 Birch St, Philadelphia, Pa. H Remember, every woman Is cordially Invited to write to Mrs. J Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she docs no. understand. Her address is Lynn, Mass., her advice Is froe and H CUoerf ully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. 1 I Looking for a Homel aH Then why not keep In view the J fact that the farming lands of I Kfl Western I mm Canada HI are tufficaeat to support a population of SO.000,000 V er wr The immigration for tho put six years HW bu been phenomenal. F FREE Homtsttad Lands H easily aeeesslhlo, while other lands jnsy be par 1 thmd f ram Railway ami Land Companies. The 1 train and iraxlns lands of Wei torn Canada are the 1 beat on the continent produclnj tho best grain. M and callU Ited on Brass alone) read; .for market. H Unrketa, Schools. Ht.llw1.7a nml U other J condition ruaku Weatoru CuiumI an euvi- able t for the settler. H Write to Superintendent lrnmlcralion.Ottawa.Can I ada. tor a descriptive Atlas, and other Information, HI or to the authorised Canadian Government Agent HJ IIISNI. DAVIISS. HOOM h. PUNN BLOCK, CEN- HJ TUAL AYHNUH, GUliAT FALLS. MONTANA. I Demand the Utah Hand Made Horse J Collarfrom A OL(, your dealer & .- 8 Superior ' HHF to. the ma-I ma-I aa a r r- chine made MADE-. You wlll I nevor have trouble with hmo hold I ALFALFA SEED BAILEY & 6ON8 It E. teund South St, Sail UV CH I are nebdduurters for the beat quality Alfalfa herdt: aloo araxs and Harden heeds. Uraln IluoW. In ed business to roars. Mall ordcra Riven special attention. I SEEDS-SEEDSSEEDS I FRESH AND RELIABLE SINO FOn OATSLOOUO. SCHWARZ & HEINECKE t a m. oono south T. m, rt.PHOw o. 'OALT LAKe PITY ,&$. There Is no use to send Knit tor favvQ vfntches whoti h will Mil you VTWy tlitigt'iiulne t:iitlnnrWultbaiii,lii r a dut.1 proof case fori '. rlna gJSw Jit yrar o!d Itllcd ea' taud- V-eSlVV somelr etigravod for 13,05. If K'tt. ruonrv aecompanti !t order H T 1l "I" i '" hr r o-UuHfd mall It'!' - Sfll pii'vaid, or wl I send It by ei- llr? nil prcis.CO.I). We hao all kinds Tfv a ISVF otatunos. Wrllo us for prions. Vt4-tas5' AiriiUANVA-iri!t;ii..Oul(.eUl Q af II. '. Walker llidV.,BaHLassCiir When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Faper. iisawaajisaBMaaaias0saawmasi FLOUR OQDEH'S BEST AND PHOENIX HIGH PATENT MADE BY 06DEN MILLING & ELEVATOR Cu. OGOEN, UTAH. MaaatfaaaaaaiWBiaaaBaMSaaMaaaasaaaaMaisiJ mmmmmommmmmmmmmmm A BARGAIN We havci just taken back a beautiful muhoirany Piano, resular rtlco flCU.CO. Customer can't pay any more, Arc offering It for SUM.nu-uulanco due on contract, Wrlto us AT ONCE for particulars. ... A rare opportunity. I CLAYTON MUSIC CO. SALT LAKE CITY. MBNTION THIS MM, mmmmmmmmammmmm ct'j t, M:t Bolt Lake Clly la the Shopping Dyvnail cheapest place In the lntrrmountaln Section to buy. Kvcrr liaraoter of purchube iimde by esperlenoed shopnra- men ard norurn. No eUaree to cuntomers. Write ror particulars, par-ticulars, a he HbcjiarU Company. Hilt Lake City, Utah. RELIABLE ASSAYS. (lold I .Til Quid and rtllver.., .11.09 Lead tiluold. Sllr'r.Cop'r.. IJ4 rrompt returns on mall samples Ogden Assay Co. ,T'i.JyY;.HSStoT- Howard E. Burton, AVh.nri.Vl Bpocltnen prices, tlold.Hllrer.Lead.lli Hold 811 Tr. 71ol Uold.UlMi Zlno or Coppor. II, L'yaulde teita. alalllnjr envelopes and full price llsr seul on appll cation. Oortrol and Umpire work solicited. Leisd vllle, Colo. Iteference, Carbonatn Nat'l Dank, R. H, OFFICER & CO., A83AYER8 AND CHEMI8T8 l&ti!h'-' fnm'f' M Lll ca ctli NEW PENSION LAWS Apply to NATHAN IIHJItl'OKU, 014 V HL, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Till Paper. 'lslasssl fl 1 asasasasasl A VENERABLE PASTOR I CURED BY PERUNA. (sssssssaaa Pe-ru-na Is a Catarrhal Tonic ril'iSlflftll-. .H Espcclnlly Adnptcd to the De- ffferYF T m$S)fc. " ''...H cllnltifj Powers of Old Ajtc 11V ' UM "'sl.H In old age the mucous membranes '). ft' ' ,, H becomo thlckoncd nnd partly loso i t - H their function. im ?sssssH This leads to partial loss of hear- ( IMtyAtT H Ing, smell nnd tnstc, aa well as digest- 'ijM , 7''5 ' K 'aasssssssal tve disturbances. (llllm ' " i rfcns x assssssssal Peruna corrects nil this by its spo- Kjf . -fl feif "- H clllc operation on all tho mucous I Xfy jl 'U J L JtejJllf H membranes ot tho body, UM ,1 'JMzf'l.fWfV.rt assssssssal One bottle wlll convinco anyone. ijj'lK . I ,L(JS JH Once used and I'cruua becomes n I 'ytPfW'W'm f lasssssssssl life-long s'.and-by with old and young. . TTcml'iljlwIimm,! Mil klWm &f'0f'lWt cmnol speak too highly of Peruna, 'H wiVl llhW&A "ifr 'aJtrnW nml "0W W'IOn 8S yCarfl 0,d can Bay W aasssssssi Wm llliiV ii )il;mim lmH Invigorated my wholo system. I iH $ lli Wmf&jztM''' 'iMlil'llm (,u mi,st fco1 vor' ""'fi o tho mi- jH ( rmmilili'";" yxasritsti.'iV loving Father thnt you havo boon per- tC tf?)!- fsfV tfQ 7fnr mlttort to live, and by your skill bs H w) ttuv. z. J Y. t flf line. am Buch n blessing ns you have been to M "- hi M' suffering humanity," Ilov. J. N. H Strong nnd vigorous ut the Age a x A Blstiops Letter. I 'H of niglity-cight. T. H. Lomax. X). D., Ulshop 2d Dlst ' fjfl nov. J. N. Parker. Utlca, N. Y., A. M R., of Chnrlotto, N. C, writes: 1 wrltos: "In Juno, 1901, I lost my sonso "t recommend your Peruna to nil who i M of hearing entirely My hearing had want a strongthonlng tonic and n very , jl boon Eomowhnt Impaired for several offectlvo remedy for nil catarrhal com- ' H years, but not so much affected but plaints." T, II. I.omnx. i H that I could hold ronvorsu with my If you do not rccclvo prompt and ijasssi friends; but in Juno, 1901, my nciiso sntlnfnctory results from tho uso ot jH ot hearing loft mo so that I could hoar Peruna, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hnrtman, M no sound whatever. I wan also trou- giving a full statement of your caso, M bled with rheumntlc pains In my and ho wlll bo pleased to give you his M limbs. I commenced taking Peruna vnlunhlo advlco gratis. H and now my hearing Is restored as Addross Dr. Hartmnn, Prosldent ot H good as It wns prior to Juno, 1901. Tho Hartmnn Sanitarium, Columbus, H My rheumatic pains nro all gono. I Ohio. H The spring Is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renews her- M self every spring. The system Is rejuvenated by spring weather. M This renders medicines more effective. A short course of Peruna, il assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases ot fH catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should jjl have a copy of Dr. Herman's latest book on catarrh. Addreu The 'H Peruna Alt dlclne Co., Columbus. Ohlc. jf HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDYl M FOHTHB MOUTH. THOOAT. .HFVFR FAILS- C2S S.VtHIS?1" ' H TOMAOH AND DOWELB.... lltf til InlLO AND QHNMAL 8TOHSB jf''B Nelden-Judson Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah, H WAlERPMOr KIJrS Jf, OllfO CLOTHING bb jLpJ; Mtd tn Hk er yellw I cr oil kmb IJjOl " cfwtworK.OnMltevtiyKhtre. 7A 'l lock for tie 3in of the Fish.il A sL7 thiMtntTOrYtRenthskuttom. rVV l 1AWTltf,SltMH4tlUt VLAJ' tsa-is cisswsa ci t.ntrra ia y T 7$''f i W- L. DOUGLAS 84.00, 83.GO, S3.00, $2.60 ''Sf SHOES THrLD. AV.I. Douglas hIiocs "V tiro worn by moro ff wi men than ny other rifv sm inuko. Tlio reason 'gt; . C ia, thoy hold their f j 7T yfi haiK5,fltbottor,wear ?s, y longer, nnd Imvu&m, JT groator intrinsic Vj" l',l vnluo than any Stf''1' ub other shoes. iuyxfw Sold Eutriiu.here. T5SSWAHW1I I.ftiih fur liimin nml prim iilitniii. Kntlgltia li"'S C'orimit Coll.lilll, Mlilfll la OTrrywImniconrntli-il tolMillirilliioatl'iilcnt lntlii)r)rtiiriliirl. Fait Cow Juflitiuud. tilioti hy iiiiill.an nius i-ttra. Write for Oatslnir. W. In DOUtlluVS, llrochton, Miiita. Rflll Oiven Away a9 1 II II Wrtt, Da or aar an AlnbarUno llsr fat partlcolsra and lr wmpls aant of Tho hanltarr Wall Voatlur Dstroji(ltacasssfrmiaodTfrrulu. Kcyar rabsoracalea. Voacaa applylt mix with cold watw. DaantltuUrTMlatn hlta and dtllcals tint. Mot a dinuj.bwd' f , out. of-dsl. hotwsUr sin sirtiaratiou. I'.ur Alabaatlna la S lb. racksx... rrapctlj la. b.llfd.cf lslnt. hsrdwuaanJdruf d.al.rs. '-Ulutaoa Usoorsttoc" suits our Artt.ta' Ideas tree. alisUlWt C0,Cm4Eull,aUi., pr 115 filer 51, (tl. ssss'ssMs'ss'HataV, MnXICAN Mustang Liniment cttrea CtttH, IJhi-iih, DruUew. Ejfjjs For Hatching 255,"? ihw0rn iilnu )Hres at our last poultry suow. liurroit 1'ljmuutlillucLs . , . MOO per setllnj BltillloUouibllrowu U'thorns liOpor lettlnti Br n a v ma Hrn'titubt. y COMMISSION ,H ,OtALtRJirW rnAINal .H TOCKJ.DOiQiPROVlJIOM. H I BSSSSSSSsi I STOC KS BOVCHT AND SOLD ON MAR- H GIN OR. I OR. CASH.' . H lasssssssl We have a apolal ilepartmont I l''''''''! 'tor buying aud aelllnf Stocks J tnd Ilontla (or lmrnedlata ilellr- (B try- lnrtitorasnd bankers will I ppj lave tlmo and money br rItIik ' J uk tholr orders la that line. , J COUUESrONIIENCK SOLIC1TSD, jH We offer apeolal Inducements J and liberal rotnmltsloua to out I J of town i respondents. Our I assssssas! book ol Inlormatlon "How To '(((((((((I Bpeculate," mulled free. txs ' kk Mtmbsrt Sail tslte Mlnlnf Exeaang. I H HfADQtttrmrsrTlCeSBOOHSi ' 211-212 D.F. WALKER BL'K. I M 3ALT LAKE QTY UTAW. I jM MI1QIR5'000C0P,ES I IIIUulU STANDARD PIECES. 10 COPIES (polpMI II.OO. Rend today for eav Jassssssal alotrue. Alio won PlfiSjnt! direct from factory. lassssssssl derrul bsraslns la riniiua Ablic saTUijrtoyaa. Isssssssssi Write at once for ratuloiruo and prices. MJUitlo JbbssbssI Una, tlultum, StrliiBS nnd l'lttluL'S. 'aassssssl THE McKANNON BROS. MU3IO OO. kS 2203 WuBhlngton Ave. Ogden, Utnh. 'H "miMENNK& I aaTir I aTsa IBS' TsTVa, A fOJITIVR . 'KH aLJIXELaLF rJBrUMANENT vCassai Sss-JV. CUN( KS 6SlMKr3INUa J lasssssssl " ' 4 AWtUAHICTION 'bssbsI fXlIUtY IMlTITUTtfL'SS'.'.'rSJS?""' 'bsssssbI JJ7W.SaTtrirtl5X WlTUKt CIIY. UIArt. ;H aaa suu HSBl Ssa U We tr.rb tlie lUrber TruiU 'asssssssi H "( """ UM la H Vrrka and k..rautc Sa,pi Ufa bbsH Pmltlona, Wrlteforpsrttculsr. BBSBH DM P Kasl MOLER'S BtHBER COLLEGE. . IWI sssssi V UsstebCou) .Dil-ns. .-st, assssssal '1 8iiTL,sa9iTT,l)Tsm. -.lH W. N. U . Salt Laka-Ho. 10. foo lfl M " eviiiTwiiiiii ii itiiTrsiiiJ, lj 'Bfl l3 l!etCuuihr!yrup. Tastes Oood. use PS lHH Pr la tltae. toUi by dragnUts. . rJj 3pIbbss1 |