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Show SURPRISED BY RUSSIANS. Japanese Scouts Get the Worst of It In Encounter With Enemy. On tho night of April 9 four Russians Rus-sians crossed tbo Yalu to Yonampo (Yongnmpho) nnd mndo toward n Russian Rus-sian village, whoro thoy found a squadron of Japancso cnvalry. They romnlncd thoro twrlvo hours, when thoy woro betrayed by KorcanR nnd found tbomsohes obliged to swim tho river, their boat having struck on a sand bank. Ono soldier lost bis llfo. Tho Japancso pursued tho Russians In n boat, but wcro In turn nttackod by n Russian bent, which had como t6 tbo rescue of tho swimmers. Tho Japanese woro all killed and their boat sunk. |