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Show BELL DEFIES THE LAW. Colorado Guural Fined .for Contempt by Judge of District Court. District Judgo Thoron Stovcns of Ouray, Colo., has declared Adjutant Gonoral Sherman Roll and Captain Bulkloy Wells, who nro In command of tho troops at Tollurldo, to bo In contempt of court Tor not complying with tho writ or habeas corpus which roqulrcd them to bring before tho court Charles II. Moyor, president of tho Western Federation of Miners, whom thoy nro holding In confinement nt Tollurldo. Tho court ordored Sheriff Corbctt to proceed to Tollurldo Tollu-rldo and arrest tho two military ofllrers and bring them boforo the court. Judge StovonB severely criticised the courso or Governor James H. Peabody and tho military authorities, saying they appeared to bo In insurrection against tho courts. Gpncral Roll Is quoted as Baying: "It Sheriff Corbott takos us to Ourny It will have to bo ovor tho dead bodies of all the soldiers under my command In this county. Ho has not got men onough to do that. Tho situation demands de-mands that we stay in Tcllurlde. "Mr. Moyor will nover be produced In court until Governor Peabody orders or-ders -mo to da so, unless ho escapes and goes ovor tho rango on snow shoos." |