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Show Lewiston. The citizens of Lewiston held a mass meeting Wednesday evening to consider con-sider the good loads proposition. The meeting was largely attended and the matter was discussed at great length. The sentiment was decidedly in favor of good roads and tho employment of most any means to get them, bonding If necessary. The Lewiston people want their own road lixed of course. II. A. Hendricks, County Commissioner was present and gave the meeting the advantage of the recent Investigations. Investiga-tions. At the general meeting Sunday afternoon, three returned missionaries told of their work In the different llelds. llorton Leavitt has been laboring labor-ing In the Southwestern states, and Win. Wheeler In Australia. John II. Wclscr is one of the three just returned. return-ed. They talked very entertainingly of their labois and said that the work is progressing steadily. George W. Squires went to Logan Thursday. George has recently added another chair to his barber shop and will be open at all hours. He has recently re-cently removed his household eiTects Into tho home formerly owned by Charles Pond. Joseph Smith's seven-months' old girl baby died of pneumonia Wednesday Wednes-day morning at six o'clock. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. The community sympathizes sym-pathizes with the family in their loss. Mrs. A. C. Smith, of Franklin, Is a new addition to our town. She has just opened up a lirst-class millinery establishment. |