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Show Women Getting Sensible. According to the latest fashion notes, the women are beginning to adopt sensible hats. Or at least Madame Ma-dame Modo is, and the women are as usual following In her wake. Tho putely ornamental hat--thc hat that was attached to the back or the head and coveted none or it, that was much like a mainsail on a windy daj has gone out of fashion. And tho lcac-tlon lcac-tlon from this absuidlty Is naturally In the direction of extreme simplicity and usefulness. A n examination of this sensible mode shows the milkmaid hat, which Is novel In thatlt seems to bring back some of the original significance of the hat. It Is worn squarely on the head as though to ptotcct It; has a wide rim to keep the sun out of the eyes, and is trimmed with fiowersand ribbons and laces In a simple, old-fashioned old-fashioned way. And tho feathers aie not put on to stab the face of tho pas-ser-by,and there aio no shav Ing-brubh algtettes or wlerd picUel rosettes. Tho new hat Is Just a pretty, giaceful useful covering that gives a woman an air of sweet icasonablcncss and youth and gracious good sense. And now If the fcmlnino tribe will adopt somo sensible stieet diess thero will be the greatest cause for rejoicing. The avciago dress worn on tho stieet today Is criminally unsanitary, a disgusting dis-gusting sight to all men, and appai-cntly appai-cntly a tcirlble annoyance to the woman wo-man wearing It. It Is from three to eighteen inches too long, and on rainy I I and snowy days Is a bcdragglcd.sloppy, dirty mess of rags several Inches up, even though great care Is cxccrclsed. In the summer this kind or skirt Is rrcqucntly permitted to drag and serves as a sidewalk sweep that Is unexcelled. un-excelled. A vast column of dust is thrown up from behind and It can hardly be doubted that a goodly portion por-tion of dust, dirt and filth with Its attendant at-tendant germs soars upward through tho clothing. Just why a womankind Insists on wcarlngasklit whlch.unless held up with one or both hands, invites in-vites such tilth, In preference to one which swings clear of the ground, Is much lighter, and leaves both hands free, can be accounted for In only four ways she Imagines that she appears to better advantage, that fashion demands de-mands It, that she can display her form by gtasplng her skirt properly, or that she Is ashamed of her feet. To tho first it may be fiald that nob one woman In a thousand can wear a long stieet skirt giacefully; to tho second, fashion cannot force i Idlculous tilings on SKNSiiiLK women; to tho thlid, the thing can be and Is done, but the woman doing It Is gpner.illv undone In the estimation or those who observe It; fourth, any foot imiofkkly shod looks well. There are Other features that might bo mentioned but the editor of This ItKruiiMCAN has no desiro to poso as an ai biter clegantuiiuin. Wo have considerable todo In keeping Tiik ItK-l'UiiMCAX ItK-l'UiiMCAX straight and advising "the only" occasionally. |